• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 张燕 学科代码: 100100
    性别: 学科名称: 基础医学
    培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 邮箱地址: zhy3331a@outlook.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    82071866通过靶向Treg解偶联肿瘤免疫治疗中自身免疫副作用的关键机制研究国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目 2021-01~2024-12 55万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    , Du X*, Liu M*, Tang F, Zhang P, Ai CX, Fields J, Sundberg E, Latinovic O, Devenport M, Zheng P# and Liu Y#  Hijacking Antibody-induced CTLA-4 Lysosomal Degradation for Safer and More Effective Cancer Immunotherapy  Cell Res  2019  29:607-629 
    Wei Z*,, Chen J*, Hu Y*, Jia P, Wang X, Zhao Q, Deng Y, Li N, Zang Y, Qin J, Wang X#, Lu W#.   Pathogenic CARD11 mutations affect B cell development and differentiation through a noncanonical pathway  Sci Immunol  2019  29;4(41) 
    Du X*, Tang F*, Liu M, Su J,, Wu W, Devenport M, Lazarski C, Zhang P, Wang X, Ye P, Wang C, Hwang E, Zhu T, Xu T, Zheng P# and Liu Y#  A reappraisal of CTLA-4 checkpoint blockade in cancer immunotherapy  Cell Res  2018  28(4):416-432 
    , Choksi S, Chen K, Pobezinskaya Y, Linnoila I, Liu ZG  ROS plays a critical role in the differentiation of alternatively activated macrophages and the occurrence of tumor associated macrophages  Cell Res  2013  23:898–914 
    , Morgan MJ, Chen K, Choksi S, Liu ZG  Induction of Autophagy is Essential for Monocyte-Macrophage Differentiation  Blood  2012  119(12):2895-2905 
    Xu W*, Guo T*,, Jiang X, Zhang Y, Zen K, Yu B, Zhang CY.  The inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on platelet-derived growth factor-induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration through up-regulating PGC-1α expression  Exp Cell Res  2011  317(8):1083-1092 
    Sun LB*,, Wang Q, Zhang H, Xu W, Zhang J, Xiang J, Li QG, Xiang Y, Wang DJ, Zhang CY  Serum palmitic acid-oleic acid ratio and the risk of coronary artery disease: a case-control study  J Nutr Biochem  2011  22(4):311-317 
    Jiang X*,, Hou D, Zhu L, Xu W, Ding L, Qi X, Sun G, Liu C, Zhang J, Zen K, Xiang Y, Zhang CY  17beta-estradiol inhibits oleic acid-induced rat VSMC proliferation and migration by restoring PGC-1alpha expression  Mol Cell Endocrinol  2010  315(1-2):74-80 
    Li T, Morgan MJ, Choksi S,, Kim YS, Liu ZG  MicroRNAs modulate the noncanonical transcription factor NF-kappaB pathway by regulating expression of the kinase IKKalpha during macrophage differentiation  Nat Immunol   2010  11(9):799-805 
    , Ba Y, Liu C, Sun GX, Li D, Gao SY, Hao JH, Yu ZT, Zhang JF, Zen K, Tong ZS, Xiang Y and Zhang CY  PGC-1α induces apoptosis in human epithelial ovarian cancer cells through a PPARγ-dependent pathway  Cell Res  2007  17:363-373