• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 刘兆远 学科代码: 100100
    性别: 学科名称: 基础医学
    培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 上海市重庆南路280号五号楼1111室 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200025 邮箱地址: liu_zhaoyuan@shsmu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    32070880组织巨噬细胞的胚胎起源国家自然科学基金面上项目 2021-01~2024-12 58万元  课题负责人
    20QA1408500利用单细胞测序和谱系示踪研究单核细胞的异质性和发育上海市科学技术委员会 2020-06~2023-05 40万元  课题负责人
    31900630利用单核细胞示踪模型研究组织巨噬细胞来源与更新国家自然科学基金青年基金 2020-01~2023-12 25万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Bleriot C.,, Ginhoux F.  Water quality check: macrophages setting the standards  Cell Research  2020  10.1038/s41422-020-00429-x 
    , Gu Y., Shin A., Zhang S., Ginhoux F.  Analysis of Myeloid Cells in Mouse Tissues with Flow Cytometry  Star Protocols  2020  10.1016/j.xpro.2020.100029 
    Kwok I., Becht E., Xia Y., Ng M., Teh Y. C., Tan L., Evrard M., Li J. L. Y., Tran H. T. N., Tan Y., Liu D., Mishra A., Liong K. H., Leong K., Zhang Y., Olsson A., Mantri C. K., Shyamsunder P.,, Piot C., Dutertre C. A., Cheng H., Bari S., Ang N., Biswas S. K., Koeffler H. P., Tey H. L., Larbi A., Su I. H., Lee B., St John A., Chan J. K. Y., Hwang W. Y. K., Chen J., Salomonis N., Chong S. Z., Grimes H. L., Liu B., Hidalgo A., Newell E. W., Cheng T., Ginhoux F., Ng L. G.  Combinatorial Single-Cell Analyses of Granulocyte-Monocyte Progenitor Heterogeneity Reveals an Early Uni-potent Neutrophil Progenitor  Immunity  2020  10.1016/j.immuni.2020.06.005 
    Msallam R., Balla J., Rathore A. P. S., Kared H., Malleret B., Saron W. A. A.,, Hang J. W., Dutertre C. A., Larbi A., Chan J. K. Y., St John A. L. and Ginhoux F.  Fetal mast cells mediate postnatal allergic responses dependent on maternal IgE  Science  2020  10.1126/science.aba0864 
    Lou F., Sun Y., Xu Z., Niu L., Wang Z., Deng S.,, Zhou H., Bai J., Yin Q., Cai X., Sun L., Wang H., Li Q., Wu Z., Chen X., Gu J., Shi Y. L., Tao W., Ginhoux F., Wang H.  Excessive Polyamine Generation in Keratinocytes Promotes Self-RNA Sensing by Dendritic Cells in Psoriasis  Immunity  2020  10.1016/j.immuni.2020.06.004 
    Dawson C., Pal Bhupinder., Vaillant F., Gandolfo L.,, Bleriot C., Ginhoux F., Smyth G., Lindeman G., Mueller S., Rios A., and Visvader J.  Tissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate tissue remodeling  Nature Cell Biology  2020  10.1038/s41556-020-0505-0 
    Dress R.,, Ginhoux F.  Towards the better understanding of myelopoiesis using single-cell technologies  Molecular Immunology  2020  122 (2020) 186–192 
    Niu L. M., Lou F. Z., Sun Y., Sun L. B., Cai X. J.,, Zhou H., Wang H., Wang Z. K., Bai J., Yin Q. Q., Zhang J. X., Chen L. J., Peng D. H., Xu Z. Y., Gao Y. Y., Tang S. B., Fan L., Wang H. L.  A micropeptide encoded by lncRNA MIR155HG suppresses autoimmune inflammation via modulating antigen presentation  Science Advance  2020  10.1126/sciadv.aaz2059 
    Jaitin DA, Adlung L, Thaiss CA, Weiner A, Li B, Descamps H, Lundgren P, Bleriot C,, Deczkowska A, Keren-Shaul H, David E, Zmora N, Eldar SM, Lubezky N, Shibolet O, Hill DA, Lazar MA, Colonna M, Ginhoux F, Shapiro H, Elinav E, Amit I.  Lipid-Associated Macrophages Control Metabolic Homeostasis in a Trem2-Dependent Manner  Cell  2019  178(3):686-698. 
    , Gu Y, Chakarov S, Bleriot C, Kwo I, Chen X, Shin A, Huang W, Dress R, Dutertre A, Schlitzer A, Chen J, Ng LG, Wang H, Liu Z, Su B# and Ginhoux F#  Fate mapping via Ms4a3 expression history traces monocyte-derived cells  Cell  2019  178(6), 1509–1525