• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 杨晓东 学科代码: 100100
    性别: 学科名称: 基础医学
    培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 硕士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 办公室地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路280号西5号楼1006室 办公室电话:021-54610176 实验室地址:上海市黄浦区重庆南路280号西5号楼1111室 实验室电话:63846590-776564 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200025 邮箱地址: xdyang@shsmu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    2021YFA1301400呼吸道病毒感染免疫应答的全景研究国家重点研发计划 2021-12~2026-11 2100万元  子课题负责人
    21ZR1456300Dab2通过控制巨噬细胞炎症小体活化调控脓毒症的机制研究上海市科委‘科技创新行动计划’自然基金面上项目 2021-07~2024-06 20万元  课题负责人
    20410714000新型冠状病毒蛋白介导肺炎的作用与细胞分子机制上海市科委国际合作项目 2020-07~2023-06 45万元  课题参与人
    91942311新型间质细胞亚群在肠道区域免疫中的功能及调控机制国家自然科学基金重大项目 2020-01~2022-12 250万元  课题参与人
    31770818新CYLD相互作用蛋白SPATA2对Toll样受体介导的信号通路和炎症小体激活的调控国家自然科学基金面上项目 2018-01~2021-12 72万元  课题负责人
    31570770RelA依赖于甲基化的泛素化对NF-κB功能及固有免疫反应的负调控作用国家自然科学基金面上项目 2016-01~2019-12 78万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Wu D, Zhang Z, Jiang X, Du Y, Zhang S,  Inflammasome meets centrosome: Understanding the emerging role of centrosome in controlling inflammasome activation  Frontiers in Immunology  2022  13:826106 
    Dong X, Hu X, Bao Y, Li G,, Slauch JM, Chen LF  Brd4 regulates NLRC4 inflammasome activation by facilitating IRF8-mediated transcription of Naips  J Cell Biol  2021  220(3): e202005148 
    Guan C, Huang X, Yue J, Xiang H, Shaheen S, Jiang Z, Tao Y, Tu J, Liu Z, Yao Y, Yang W, Hou Z, Liu J,, Zou Q, Su B, Liu Z, Ni J, Cheng J, Wu X.  SIRT3-mediated deacetylation of NLRC4 promotes inflammasome activation  Theranostics  2021  11(8):3981-3995 
    Qian W, Li Q, Wu X, Li W, Li Q, Zhang J, Li M, Zhang D, Zhao H, Zou X, Jia H, Zhang L,, Hou Z  Deubiquitinase USP29 promotes gastric cancer cell migration by cooperating with phosphatase SCP1 to stabilize Snail protein  Oncogene  2020  39(44):6802-6815 
    , Li W, Zhang S, Wu D, Jiang X, Tan R, Niu X, Wang Q, Wu X, Liu Z, Chen LF, Qin J, Su B  PLK4 deubiquitination by Spata2-CYLD suppresses NEK7-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome activation at the centrosome  EMBO J  2020  39(2):e102201 
    , Sun SC  Deubiquitinases as pivotal regulators of T cell functions  Front Med  2018  12(4): 451-462 
    , Sun SC  Targeting signaling factors for degradation, an emerging mechanism for TRAF functions  Immunological Reviews  2015  266(1):56-71 
    , Karhadkar T, Medina J, Robertson SM, Lin R  The β-catenin WRM-1 is a multifunctional regulatory subunit in the LIT-1 MAP kinase complex  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  2015  112(2):E137-146 
    , Lo MC, Huang S, Mizumoto K, Sawa H, Xu W, Robertson SM, Lin R  Distinct and mutually inhibitory binding by two diverged beta-catenins coordinates TCF levels and activity in C. elegans  Development  2011  138(19): 4255-4265 
    , Chen LF  Talking to histone: methylated RelA serves as a messenger  Cell Research  2011  21(4):561-563 
    Huang B,, Lamb A, Chen LF  Posttranslational modifications of NF-kappaB: Another layer of regulation for NF-kappaB signaling pathway  Cell Signal  2010  22(9): 1282-1290 
    , Tajkhorshid E, Chen LF  Functional Interplay between Acetylation and Methylation of the RelA Subunit of NF-kappaB  Mol Cell Biol  2010  30(9): 2170-2180 
    Huang B,, Zhou MM, Ozato K, Chen LF  Brd4 coactivates transcriptional activation of NF-kappaB via specific binding to acetylated RelA  Mol Cell Biol  2009  29(5): 1375-1387 
    , Lamb A, Chen LF  Lysine methylation, a new epigenetic mark for protein stability  Epigenetics  2009  4(7): 429-433 
    , Huang B, Li M, Lamb A, Kelleher NL, Chen LF  Negative regulation of NF-kappaB action by Set9-mediated lysine methylation of the RelA subunit  EMBO J  2009  28(8): 1055-1066 
    Lamb A,, Tsang YH, Li JD, Higashi H, Hatakeyama M, Peek RM, Blanke SR, Chen LF  Helicobacter pylori CagA stimulates NF-kB by targeting TAK1 for TRAF6-mediated K63-ubiquitination  EMBO Reports  2009  10(11): 1242-1249 
    , Dong CJ, Liu JY  A plant mitochondrial phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase: its precise localization and higher enzymatic activity  Plant Mol Biol  2006  62(6):951-62 
    , Li WJ, Liu JY  Isolation and characterization of a novel PHGPx gene in Raphanus sativus  Biochim Biophys Acta  2005  1728(3):199-205