• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 虞永峰 学科代码: 100214
    性别: 学科名称: 肿瘤学
    培养单位: 附属胸科医院 三级学科
    导师类型: 硕士生导师 专业领域名称: 肿瘤学 专业学位
    联系方式: 专业领域代码: 105121
    邮编: 邮箱地址: yuyongfeng212@sina.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
    《Journal of Thoracic Disease》(SCI收录) 特邀审稿人
  • 科研项目
    Y-HR2020MS-0982免疫治疗在EGFR-TKI 治疗后PD-L1 高表达晚期NSCLC 患 者疗效探索CSCO恒瑞肿瘤研究基金 2022-12~2025-12 15万元  课题负责人
    82172633FGFR1-wnt-β-catenin轴调控肺鳞癌细胞干性表型,侵袭转移和免疫逃逸的分子机制国家自然科学基金面上项目 2022-01~2025-12 54万元  课题负责人
    16431903203c-Met激酶选择性抑制剂SPH3348的临床前开发上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”生物医药领域科技支撑项目 2016-07~2019-09 15万元  子课题负责人
    81201692基于活性的蛋白质谱分析在早期非小细胞肺癌分子分型中的运用国家自然科学基金青年项目 2013-01~2015-12 23万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    , Jianya Zhou, Xingya Li,Koichi Goto,Xuhong Min,Kazumi Nishino,Jiuwei Cui,Lin Wu,Jun Sakakibara, Yongqian Shu, Xiaorong Dong,Lu Li,Yasuto Yoneshima,Chengzhi Zhou,Xiaoling Yiping Zhang,Dingzhi Huang,Aimin Zang,Wei Zhang,Xiuwen Wang,Li Zhang,Chong Bai,Jian Fang,Lejie Cao, Yanqiu Zhao,Yan Yu,Meiqi Shi,Diansheng Zhong,Fugen Li, Meng Li,Qiuxia Wu,Jun Zhou,Minghui Sun,and Shun Lu  Gumarontinib in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring MET exon 14 skipping mutations: a multicentre,single-arm, open-label, phase 1b/2 trial  eClinicalMedicine  2023  59: 101952 
    , Fanfan Zhu , Wenxin Zhang ,Shun Lu.  Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Brigatinib in First-Line Treatments for Patients with Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase- Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Indirect Treatment Comparison.  Jounal of Clinical Medicine  2022  11,2963 
    , Jie Qian, Lan Shen, Wenxiang Ji, Shun Lu  Treatment preferences for epidermal growth factor receptor mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis: a large-scale survey from Chinese oncologists  Ann Transl Med  2022  10(2):41 
    Xinghao Ai,, Jun Zhao, Wang Sheng, Jing Bai, Zaiwen Fan, Xuemei Liu,Wenxiang Ji, Rongrong Chen ,2Shun Lu  Comprehensive analysis of MET mutations in NSCLC patients in a real-world setting  TherapeuTic advances in MedicalOncology  2022  14:1-14 
    , Yongxin Ren, Jian Fang, Lejie Cao, Zongan Liang, Qisen Guo, Sen Han, Zimei Ji,Ye Wang, Yulan Sun, Yuan Chen, Xingya Li, Hua Xu, Jianying Zhou, Liyan Jiang, Ying Cheng, Zhigang Han, Jianhua Shi, Gongyan Chen, Rui Ma, Yun Fan, Sanyuan Sun, Longxian Jiao, Xiaoyun Jia, Linfang Wang, Puhan Lu, Qian Xu, Xian Luo, Weiguo Su, Shun Lu  Circulating tumour DNA biomarkers in savolitinib-treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer harbouring MET exon 14 skipping alterations: a post hoc analysis of a pivotal phase 2 study  Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology  2022  14:1–15  
    , Luan Luan, Fanfan Zhu, Peng Dong, LiHeng Ma, Lanting Li, Lan Gao, Shun Lu  Modelled economic analysis for dacomitinib– is it cost effective in treating patients with EGFR-mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer in China  Frontiers in Oncology  2021  11:564234 
    , Lan Shen, Wenxiang Ji, Shun Lu  Standardization of pleural effusion-based tumor mutation burden (TMB) estimation using capture-based targeted sequencing  Ann Transl Med  2021  9(2):140 
    , Jie Qian, Lan Shen, Wenxiang Ji, Shun Lu.  Distinct profile of cell-free DNA in malignant pleural effusion of non-small cell lung cancer and its impact on clinical genetic testing  International Journal of Medical Sciences  2021  18(6): 1510-1518 
    Jie Qian, Rongrong Chen, Ruiying Zhao, Yuchen Han,  Comprehensive Molecular Characterizations of Chinese Patients With Different Subtypes of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma  Frontiers in Oncology  2020  10:607130 
    , Qiuxiang Ou,Xue Wu,Hairong Bao,Yan Ding,Yang W. Shao,Shun Lu  Concomitant resistance mechanisms to multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors in ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer  Lung Cancer  2019  127(1):19-24. 
    Shun Lu,,Ziming Li,Ruoying Yu,Xue Wu,Hairong Bao,Yan Ding, Yang W. Shao,Hong Jian  EGFR and ERBB2 Germline Mutations in Chinese Lung Cancer Patients and Their Roles in Genetic Susceptibility to Cancer  J Thorac Oncol  2019  14(4):732-736 
    Rongrong Chen, Xiaohua Yang,Zhengping Ding,Lei Zhu,Shun Lu,  Lung squamous cell carcinoma: A postoperative recurrence analysis of keratinizing and nonkeratinizing subtypes  Eur J Surg Oncol   2019  45(5):838-844 
    Rongrong Chen, Zhengping Ding, Lei Zhu, Shun Lu,  Correlation of Clinicopathologic Features and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Subtypes According to the 2015 WHO Classification  Eur J Surg Oncol  2017  43(12):2308-2314. 
    , Jian H, Shen L, Zhu L, Lu S  Lymph node involvement influenced by lung adenocarcinoma subtypes in tumor size ≤3 cm disease: A study of 2268 cases  Eur J Surg Oncol  2016  2016,42(11):1714-1719 
    , Ding Z, Jian H, Shen L, Zhu L, Lu S  Prognostic value of MMP9 activity level in resected stage I B lung adenocarcinoma.  Cancer Med  2016  2016,5(9):2323-2331 
    , Zhengping Ding, Lei Zhu, Haohua Teng, Shun Lu  Frequencies of ALK Rearrangements in Lung Adenocarcinoma Subtypes: a Study of 2299 Chinese Cases  SpringerPlus  2016  2016,5: 894 
    ,Zhengbo Song,Shunfang Yang, et al.   Everolimus and zoledronic acid-a potential synergistic treatment for lung adenocarcinoma bone metastasis  Acta Biochim Biophys Sin  2014  2014,46(9):792-801 
    , Zhengbo Song, et al.  EGFR L861Q mutation is a frequent feature of pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma  Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology  2012  2012,138(8):1421-1425 
    , Zhengbo Song, Shun Lu ,et al.  Chinese Pediatric and Adolescent Primary Tracheobronchial Tumors:a Hospital- Based Study  Pediatric Surgery International  2011  2011,27(7):721-726 
    Zhengbo Song,, Shun Lu ,et al.  Third-Line Therapy for Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Feasible Drugs for Feasible Patients  Medical Oncology  2011  2011,28,S605-S612 
    , Zhi-wei Chen, Zhen Zhou, Shun Lu.,et al.  A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Docetaxel versus Pemetrexedin Second-line Chemotherapy for Stage III b or IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients in China.  CHEMOTHERAPY  2010  2010,56(6):472-477 
    Zhiwei Chen,, Shun Lu,et al.  Functional roles of PC-PLC and Cdc20 in the cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis  Cell Biochem Funct  2010  2010,28(4):249-57 
    ,ZiMing Li,Shun Lu,et al.  The Effect of Cetuxmab Alone and in Combination With Endostatin on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Interleukin-8 Expression in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells  Current Therapeutic Research  2009  2009,70(2):116-128