• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 许建荣 学科代码: 100207
    性别: 学科名称: 影像医学与核医学
    培养单位: 附属仁济医院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称: 放射影像学 专业学位
    联系方式: 上海市浦东新区浦建路160号上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院放射科 专业领域代码: 105123
    邮编: 200127 邮箱地址: xujianr@online.sh.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
    中华医学会第十五届传染病专业委员会 副主任委员
    中国医疗保健国际交流促进会心脏影像分会 常务理事副主任委员
    上海市医师协会影像与核医学科医师分会 副会长
    中华医学会第十五届传染病专业委员会 副主任委员
  • 科研项目
    81873886适配字MR分子成像对急性心肌梗死后TNF-a/TNKR心室双向重构作用分析国家自然科学基金委 2019-01~2022-12 57万元  课题负责人
    18511102900面向人工智能分析的医疗大数据库构建及在肿瘤影像辅助诊断的示范应用上海市科委高新领域重点项目 2018-07~2020-06 450万元  课题负责人
    18511102901肝癌和乳腺癌临床数据库的建立和算法的临床验证上海市科委 2018-07~2020-06 540万元  课题负责人
    YG2017MS48基于人工智能的膀胱癌评估和风险预测医工交叉-面上 2018-01~2020-12 21万元  课题负责人
    YG2017MS48人工智能驱动的医学影像分析与诊断上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金 2018-01~2020-12 21万元  课题负责人
    17441902700可移动式影像引导下的手术路径系统技术开发和临床应用研究上海市科委 2017-06~2020-06 40万元  课题负责人
    2016YFC1300301冠状动脉粥样硬化病变早期和风险预警的影像学评价体系的研究国家科技部 2016-09~2020-12 9万元  子课题负责人
    81571630靶向M1型巨噬细胞MR微成像分析血管外膜炎症在动脉粥样硬化演进中的作用国家自然科学基金面上项目 2016-01~2019-12 68.4万元  课题负责人
    20130073110010前列腺癌Biecho序列功能成像特征与肿瘤生成的相关研究教育部 2013年度高校博士点新教师类课题(博士) 2014-01~2016-12 12万元  课题负责人
    81371622肿瘤间质内压与淋巴管生成在肿瘤转移中作用机制的MR分子影像研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2014-01~2017-12 70万元  课题负责人
    SHDC12012112360度全开放永磁MRI介入手术系统的导航技术开发和临床应用研究上海申康前沿技术项目 2012-10~2015-09 120万元  课题负责人
    2012CB932603纳米界面生物分子作用机制的基础研究及其在前列腺癌早期检测中的应用国家重大研究计划(973项目) 2012-01~2016-08 33.4万元  课题参与人
    沪教委高[2011]48号2011年度上海市教委重点课程建设项目上海市教委 2011-01~2013-01 5万元  课题负责人
    沪交医教[2011]6号2011年度上海交通大学医学院课程建设基金资助项目上海交通大学医学院 2011-01~2013-01 2万元  主要责任人
    30970819淋巴管/结系统磁共振成像的高效靶向造影剂HA-Gd-DTPA的研究国家自然科学基金,面上项目 2010-01~2013-01 33万元  课题负责人
    C100701淋巴管/结磁共振成像的高效靶向造影剂HA-Gd-DTPA的制备及应用研究国家自然基金,面上项目 2010-01~2012-12 33万元   
    09XD1402900淋巴管/结系统磁共振成像的靶向造影剂HA-Gd-DTPA的制备及应用研究上海市科委优秀学科带头人项目 2009-07~2011-06 40万元  课题负责人
    08JC1415100肠粘膜靶向的磁共振分子影像学研究上海市科委重点基础项目 2008-05~2010-05 50万元  课题负责人
    30770608计算机辅助运动校正在肝脏CT灌注成像中的应用研究国家自然基金委,面上项目 2008-01~2010-12 25万元  课题负责人
    07SP07006磁共振BOLD和DTI技术探讨缺血性脑卒中规范康复治疗的运动功能重组与神经束再生的临床基础研究上海市科委,飞利浦基金 2007-12~2009-05 18万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Shi RY, An DA, Chen BH, Wu R,, Du L, Zhu J, Jiang M, Xu JR, Wu LM   High T2-weighted signal intensity is associated with myocardial deformation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  Sci Rep  2019  25;9(1):2644 
    "Jiejun Cheng, Xiaowen Zhou, Wei Zhou, Huawei Wu, Xinyi Zhang, Qing Lu, Jiong Zhu, Qi Feng, Yunqi Yan, Lianggeng Gong, Jun Zhu,  A Novel Magnetic Contrast Agent for Gastrointestinal Mucosa-Targeted Imaging Through Oral Administration  Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology  2019  15(6):1162-1171 
    "Chen BH, Shi RY, An DA, Wu R, Wu CW, Hu J, Manly A, Kaddurah H, He J,, Xu JR, Wu LM."   BOLD cardiac MRI for differentiating reversible and irreversible myocardial damage in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction.   European radiology  2019  29(2):951-962 
    王娟,,陈增爱,许建荣   Detection of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging in Subacute Ischemic Stroke  Cell Transplant  2019  28(8):1-9 
    Shi RY, Yao QY, Wu LM,  Breast Lesions: Diagnosis Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 1.5T and 3.0T—Systematic Review and Meta-analysis  Clinical Breast Cancer  2018  18(3):e305-e320.  
    G Wu, Z Zhao, Q Yao, W Kong,, J Zhang, G Liu, Y Dai.   The Study of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with MR Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Imaging and Its Histopathologic Correlation.   Academic radiology  2018  25(4): 430-438. 
    Shiteng Suo#, Lan Zhang#, Hui Tang, Qihong Ni, Suqin Li, Haimin Mao, Xiangyu Liu, Shengyun He, Jianxun Qu, Qing Lu*,  Evaluation of skeletal muscle microvascular perfusion of lower extremities by cardiovascular magnetic resonance arterial spin labeling, blood oxygenation level-dependent, and intravoxel incoherent motion techniques.  Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance  2018  20: 18 
    Chen BH, Wu R, An DA, Shi RY, Yao QY, Lu Q, Hu J, Jiang M, Deen J, Chandra A,, Wu LM*.   Oxygenation-sensitive cardiovascular magnetic resonance in hypertensive heart disease with left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy and non-left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy: Insight from altered mechanics and cardiac BOLD imaging.  JMRI  2018  48(5):1297-1306. 
    庄治国,张庆,张丹丹,成芳,所世腾,耿小川,华佳,  Utility of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as an Imaging Biomarker for Assessing the Proliferative Potential of Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer.   Clinical Radiology.   2018  73(5):473-478. 
    Wu R#, An DA#, Shi RY, Chen BH, Jiang M, Bacyinski A, Han TT, Hu J,, Wu LM*.  Myocardial fibrosis evaluated by diffusion-weighted imaging and its relationship to 3D contractile function in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  JMRI  2018  48(4):1139-1146. 
    Chen Z, Zu J, Li L, Lu X,, Xu J  Assessment of stereotactic radiosurgery treatment response for brain metastases using MRI based diffusion index.  European Journal of Radiology Open  2017  4 :84-88 
    Li B, Gao Y, Zhang W,  Regulation and effects of neurotrophic factors after neural stem cell transplantation in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease.  J Neuro Res.  2017  00:1–14. 
    Tian Liu, Guangyu Wu, Jiejun Cheng, Qing Lu Yanjie Yao, Zhenjing Liu, Dongchen Zhu, Juan Zhou, Jianrong Xu,, Dannong He  Multifunctional lymph-targeted platform based on Mn@mSiO2 nanocomposites: Combining PFOB for dual-mode imaging and DOX for cancer diagnose and treatment.  Nano Reseach  2017  9(2):473–489 
    Wu R, Suo ST, Wu LM, Yao QY, Gong HX,  Assessment of chemotherapy response in non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving the neck utilizing diffusion kurtosis imaging: a preliminary study.   Diagn Interv Radiol.   2017  23(3):245-249. 
    Zhou Q,LU Q,SUO ST,CHEN J,ZHENG WJ,DAI YM,  Preliminary study of diffusion kurtosis imaging in thyroid nodules and its histopathologic correlation  European Radiology.  2017  27(11):4710–4720 
    Guangyu Wu, Guiqin Liu, Wen Kong, Jianxun Qu, Shiteng Suo, Xiaosheng Liu,, Jin Zhang.   Assessment of Response to Anti-angiogenic Targeted Therapy in Pulmonary Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: R2* value as a predictive biomarker.  European Radiology.  2017  27(9):3574-3582 
    Ge X, Sun Y, Han X, Wang Y, Ding W, Cao M,, Xu J, Zhou Y  Difference in the functional connectivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex between smokers with nicotine dependence and individuals with internet gaming disorder  BMC Neurosci  2017  18:54 
    Suo S, Cheng F, Cao M, Kang J, Wang M, Hua J, Hua X, Li L, Lu Q,, Xu J  Multiparametric diffusion weighted imaging in breast lesions association with pathologic diagnosis and prognostic factors.   Journal of magnetic resonance imaging  2017  46(3):740-750 
    Yibo Sun, Yanqing Hua, Mingpeng Wang, Dingbiao Mao, Xiu Jin, Cheng Li, Kailei Shi,  Evaluation of a High Concentrated Contrast Media Injection Protocol in Combination with Low Tube Current for Dose Reduction in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography: A Randomized, Two-center Prospective Study.  Academic Radiology   2017  24(12):1482-1490 
    庄治国,张庆,张丹丹,成芳,所世腾,耿小川,华佳,  Utility of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as an Imaging Biomarker for Assessing the Proliferative Potential of Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer.   Clinical Radiology.   2017  73(5):473-478. 
    Shi-Teng Suo, Zhi-Guo Zhuang, Meng-Qiu Cao, Li-Jun Qian, Xin Wang, Run-Lin Gao,, Jian-Rong Xu*.   Usefulness of multislice-based texture analysis on contrast-enhanced computed tomography in differentiating pyogenic hepatic abscess from malignant mimickers.   Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International  2016  15(4):391-398 
    Wu LM, Zhao ZZ, Chen XX, Lu Q, Suo ST, Liu Q, Hu J, Haccke EM,  Comparison of T(2)(*) mapping with diffusion-weighted imaging in the characterization of low-grade vs intermediate-grade and high-grade prostate cancer.   Br J Radiol.   2016  89(1063):20151076.  
    Zhou Z, Shan J, Zu J, Chen Z, Ma W, Li L,  Social behavioral testing and brain magnetic resonance imaging in chicks exposed to mobile phone radiation during development.  BMC Neurosci.  2016  10;17(1):36. 
    Wu LM, Zhou B, Lu Q, Suo ST, Liu Q, Hu J, Haccke EM, Chen XX,  T2* relaxation time in the detection and assessment of aggressiveness of peripheral zone cancer in comparison with diffusion-weighted imaging.   Clin Radiol.  2016  71(4):356-62. 
    Zhang K, Lu Q, Hua J,, Wu G.   Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Lymphography in the Evaluation of Patientswith Breast Cancer: A Preliminary Study.  Acad Radiol  2016  23(10):1278-82 
    Lu Q, Jiang ZH, Zhao ZZ, Wu LM, Wu GY, Su ST,  Assessment of The Lymphatic System of the Genitalia Using Magnetic Resonance Lymphography Before and After Treatment of Male Genital Lymphedema  Medicine  2016  95(21):e3755 
    Shiteng Suo, Kebei Zhang, Mengqiu Cao, Xinjun Suo, Jia Hua*, Xiaochuan Geng, Jie Chen, Zhiguo Zhuang, Xiang Ji, Qing Lu, He Wang,  Characterization of breast masses as benign or malignant at 3.0T MRI with whole-lesion histogram analysis of the apparent diffusion coefficient.   J Magn Reson Imaging.  2016  43(4):894-902 
    Dai YM, Yao QY, Wu GY, Wu DM, Wu LM, Zhu L, Xue R,  Characterization of clear cell renal cell carcinoma with diffusion kurtosis imaging: correlation between diffusion kurtosis parameters and tumor cellularity  NMR Biomed  2016  29:873–881 
    "Shiteng Suo, Mengqiu Cao, Wanqiu Zhua, Lei Lia, Jun Lia, Fei Shen, Jinyan Zua, Zien Zhoua, Zhiguo Zhuanga, Jianxun Qu, Zengai Chen,Jianrong Xu"  Stroke assessment with intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MRI  NMR Biomed  2016  29: 320–328 
    Cao MQ, Zhang XB, Zhuang ZG, Zhou Wei,, Zhong YC.  Randomized comparison of long and short vascular sheaths in reduction of the operator radiation exposure during uterine artery embolization  Br J Radiol  2016  89(1062):20140448 
    Suo Shiteng, Cheng Jiejun, Cao Mengqiu, Qing Lu, Yan Yin,, Huawei Wu   Assessment of Heterogeneity Difference Between Edge and Core by Using Texture Analysis: Differentiation of Malignant From Inflammatory Pulmonary Nodules and Masses.   Academic Radiology.  2016  23(9):1115-1122 
    Wu LM, Chen BH, Yao QY, Ou YR, Wu R, Jiang M, Hu J, An DA,  Quantitative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of myocardial fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy compared with T1 mapping.   Int J Cardiovasc Imaging  2016  32(8):1289-97. 
    Wang J, Cheng JJ, Huang KY, Zhuang ZG, Zhang XB, Chi JC, Hua XL,  Quantitative assessment of angiographic perfusion reduction using color-coded digital subtraction angiography during transarterial chemoembolization  Abdom Radiology  2016  41:545–552 
    Gong HX, Zhang KB, Wu LM, Baigorri BF, Yin Y, Geng XC,, Zhu J.  Dual energy spectral CT imaging for colorectal cancer Grading:a preliminary study.  PLoS One.   2016  9;11(2):e0147756. 
    Sun B, Zhao H, Liu X, Qing Lu, Xihai Zhao, Jun Pu,  Elevated hemoglobin A1c Is Associated with Carotid Plaque Vulnerability: Novel Findings from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Hypertensive Stroke Patients.  Sci Rep  2016  6:332-46 
    Cheng JJ, Zhang HJ, Zhu J, Qian LJ, Lu Q, Wu GY,, Zhu J  Multifunctional lymph-targeted ZnO:Gd@HA nanospheres: preparation and application in tumor diagnose  General Chemistry  2016  2:31-37 
    Wu GY, Suo ST, Lu Q, Zhang J, Zhu W,  The Value of Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent (BOLD) MR Imaging in Differentiation of Renal Solid Mass and Grading of Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): Analysis Based on the Largest Cross-Sectional Area versus the Entire Whole Tumour  PLoS ONE.   2015  15;10(4):e0123431 
    Zhuang ZG, Zhang XB,Han JF, Janina Beilner, Zheng YL, Chi JC, Wang J, Qian LJ, Zhou Y,  Hepatic Blood Volume Imaging with the Use of Flat-Detector CT Perfusion In the Angiography Suite: Comparison with Results of Conventional Multislice CT Perfusion.  JVIR  2014  25:739–746. 
    Wu GY, Lu Q, Wu LM, Zhang J, Chen XX,  Comparison of computed tomographic urography, magnetic resonance urography and the combination ofdiffusion weighted imaging in diagnosis of upper urinary tract cancer.  Eur J Radiol.  2014  83(6):893-9. 
    Suo ST, Chen XX, Wu LM, Zhang XF, Yao QY,Fan Y,Wang H,  Non-Gaussian water diffusion kurtosis imaging of prostate cancer.  Magn Reson Imaging  2014  32(5):421-7. 
    Wu LM, Li YL, Yin YH, Hou GQ, Zhu R, Hua XL,, Chen ZA.  Usefulness of Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of Sellar Meningiomas and Pituitary Adenomas: Preliminary Report.  PLoS ONE.   2014  9(3):e90658 
    Wu LM,, Gu HY, Hua J, Haacke EM, Hu J.  Predictive Value of T2 weighted imaging and Contrast Enhanced MR imaging in Assessing Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: A Pooled analysis of Prospective Studies.  European Radiology.  2013  23(2):435-49. 
    Zhang XF, Lu Q, Wu LM, Zou AH, Hua XL,  Quantitative iodine-based material decomposition images with spectral CT imaging for differentiating prostatic carcinoma from benign prostatic hyperplasia.  Academic Radiology.  2013  20(8):947-56. 
    Wu LM, Hu J, Gu HY, Hua J,  Can diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) alone be used as a reliable sequence for the preoperative detection and characterization of hepatic metastases?   European Journal of Cancer.  2013  49(3):572-84. 
    Qian LJ, Zhu J, Zhuang ZG,Xia Q, Liu Q,  Spectrum of Common and Uncommon Multilocular Cystic Hepatic Lesions: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings with Pathologic Correlation.  RadioGraphics  2013  33:1419-1433. 
    Liu XS, Zhao HL, Cao Y, Lu Q,  Comparison of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Characteristics by High Resolution, Black-Blood Magnetic Resonance Imaging between Patients with First-Time and Recurrent Acute Ischemic Stroke  AJNR  2012  33(7):1257-61 
    Lu Q, Wei DX, Cheng JJ,, Zhu J  A novel contrast agent with rare earth-doped up-conversion luminescence and Gd-DTPA magnetic resonance properties   Journal of Solid State Chemistry  2012  192(2012):75-80 
    Rui MJ,, Xu YH.   Recombinant high-density lipoprotein nanoparticles containing gadolinium-labeled cholesterol for morphologic and functional magnetic resonance imaging of the liver.  International Journal of Nanomedicine  2012  7:1-18 
    Lu Q, Bui D, Liu NF,, Zhao XH, Zhang XF.  Magnetic resonance lymphography at 3T: a promising noninvasive approach to characterise inguinal lymphatic vessel leakage.  Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg  2012  43(1):106-111 
    Wu LM,, Hua J, Gu HY, Zhang XF, Lu Q, Hu JN.   Value of diffusion-weighted imaging for the discrimination of pancreatic lesions: a meta-analysis  Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol  2012  24(2):134-42. 
    Wu HW, Cheng JJ, Li JY, Yin Y, Hua J,  Pulmonary embolism detection and characterization through quantitative iodine-based material decomposition images with spectral computed tomography imaging.  Invest Radiol  2012  47(1):85-91. 
    Zhou Z,, Delproposto ZS, Hua J, Fan Y, Zhang Z, Ye Y, Haacke EM, Hu J.  Feasibility of in ovo diffusion tractography in the chick embryo using a dual-cooling technique.   J Magn Reson Imaging  2012  36(4):993-1001. 
    Cheng JJ, Zhu J, Liu XS, He DN,, Wu LM, Zhou J, Feng Q.  Gadolinium-Chitosan nanoparticles as a novel contrast agent for potential use in clinical bowel-targeted MRI: a feasibility study in healthy rats.  Acta Radiologica  2012  53(8):900-907 
    Zhuang ZG,, Qian LJ, Xia Q, Chi JC.  Computed tomography perfusion study of hemodynamic changes and portal hyperperfusion in a rabbit model of small-for-size liver  Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int  2012  11(1):74-80. 
    Wu LM,,Ye YQ,Lu Q,Hu J  The Clinical Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Combination With T2-Weighted Imaging in Diagnosing Prostate Carcinoma:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.  AJR Am J Roentgenol  2012  199(1):103-10. 
    Wu LM,, Gu HY, Hua J, Chen J, Zhang W, Haacke EM, Hu J.  Preoperative mediastinal and hilar nodal staging with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in patients with non–small-cell lung cancer: Which is better  J Surg Res  2012  178(1):304-14. 
    Wu LM,, Liu MJ, Zhang XF, Hua J, Zheng J, Hu JN.  Value of magnetic resonance imaging for nodal staging in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis  Acad Radiol  2012  19(3):331-40 
    Qian LJ, Zhuang ZG, Cheng YF, Li JY,  Differentiation of neoplastic from bland macroscopic portal vein thrombi using dual-energy spectral CT imaging: A pilot study.  Eur Radiol  2012  22(10):2178-2185 
    Lu Q, Delproposto Zachary, Hu Alice, Tran Christine, Liu NF, Li Yulai,, Bui D, Hu JN  MR Lymphography of Lymphatic Vessels in Lower Extremity with Gynecologic Oncology-Related Lymphedema.   PLoS ONE  2012  7(11):e50319 
    Zhang W,, Lu Q, Ye S, Liu XS  High-resolution magnetic resonance angiography of digital arteries in SSc patients on 3 Tesla: preliminary study.  Rheumatology  2011  50(9):1712-9.