• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 章一新 学科代码: 100210
    性别: 学科名称: 外科学
    培养单位: 附属第九人民医院 三级学科 整形
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称: 外科学 专业学位
    联系方式: 专业领域代码: 105111
    邮编: 200011 邮箱地址: zhangyixin6688@163.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
    亚太瘢痕医学协会(APSSM),主席 亚太重建显微外科协会(APFSRM),副主席 亚太创面协会(AWCA),学术执委 世界重建显微外科协会 (WSRM),委员 世界整形美容修复协会 (IPRAS),会员 美国重建显微外科协会 (ASRM),委员 美国手外科协会(ASSH),会员 中国整形美容协会瘢痕医学分会,会长 中国康复医学会修复重建外科学会,副主任委员兼秘书长, 中国医师协会显微外科分会慢性创面显微修复专业委员会 主任委员 中国康复医学会修复重建外科瘢痕学组,主任委员, 中国康复医学会修复重建外科再植再造学组,副主任委员 中华医学会显微外科学分会,副主委(候任主委) 中华医学会上海显微外科分会,委员 中国研究型医院学会整形外科学专业委员会,常委 中国整形美容协会互联网医美分会理事会,常务理事 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会生物物理与再生修复医学分会,常务委员 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会烧伤医学分会,常务委员 中华医学会烧伤外科学分会第十届委员会瘢痕学组,副组长 中国医师协会美容与整形医师分会,全国委员 中国整形美容协会整形与重建外科分会,全国委员 杂志编委: Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery(PRS),SCI杂志,美国,编委,(IF:3.784) Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, SCI杂志,美国,编委(IF:2.2) International Journal of Surgery,SCI杂志,英国,编委 (IF:2.2) Burns and Trauma,中国,编委(IF:2.49) Archives of Plastic Surgery,韩国,编委 Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery-GO,美国,编委 Annals of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,欧洲,编委 Journal of Plastic and Aesthetic Reseach,中国,编委 《中华显微外科杂志》副总编 《中华烧伤外科杂志》编委 《中华整形外科杂志》编委 《中国美容整形外科杂志》常委编委 《修复重建外科杂志》编委
  • 科研项目
    20152227瘢痕防治的经济型治疗和综合性治疗策略研究上海市教委高峰高原计划—“研究型医师”项目继续资助 2018-10~2021-10 50万元  课题负责人
    18XD1423700新型多功能纳米光敏剂的研发上海市科学技术委员会优秀技术带头人计划 2018-05~2021-04 40万元  课题负责人
    81772098纳米七甲川花菁染料介导的光热/光动力双模式协同治疗病理性瘢痕的实验研究国家自然科学基金 2018-01~2021-12 56万元  课题负责人
    JYLJ027有限元力学模型辅助下CO2点阵激光治疗挛缩性瘢痕的前瞻性临床试验及优化上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院临床研究助推计划 2017-09~2020-12 40万元  课题负责人
    2017-1-007病理性瘢痕的综合、序贯性治疗上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院临床研究型多学科诊疗团队建设 2017-01~2019-12 75万元  课题负责人
    20152227瘢痕防治的经济型治疗和综合性治疗策略研究上海市教委高原高峰学科建设—临床医学(I类高峰)“研究型医师”项目 2015-01~2017-12 100万元  课题负责人
    81272114构建新型纳米光敏剂及光动力作用下治疗瘢痕的实验研究国家自然基金面上项目 2013-01~2016-12 70万元  课题负责人
    81071569构建及筛选治疗性新型透瘢痕纳米级药物载体国家自然基金面上项目 2011-01~2013-12 32万元  课题负责人
    2010CB933901-1筛选设计TGF-β受体、Smad蛋白为胃癌早期诊断纳米抗体探针的可行性实验研究中国科学技术部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)子课题 2010-01~2013-12 50万元  子课题负责人
    1052nm04400纳米级抗瘢痕药物载体的优选及其早期干预瘢痕增生的实验研究上海市科委纳米技术专项 2010-01~2012-06 35万元  课题负责人
    0852nm03000脂质体纳米粒药物对于瘢痕组织渗透机理和动物抗瘢痕效果的实验研究上海市科委,纳米专项 2008-10~2010-09 20万元  课题负责人
    08ZR1412600包封 5-FU 的脂质体纳米粒药物对于瘢痕组织渗透机理和动物抗瘢痕效果的实验研究。上海市科委,自然科学基金项目 2008-01~2010-06 10万元  课题负责人
    0852nm03000脂质体纳米粒药物对于瘢痕组织渗透机理和动物抗瘢痕效果的实验研究上海市科委纳米技术专项 2008-01~2010-06 20万元  课题负责人
    08ZR1412600包封 5-FU 的脂质体纳米粒药物对于瘢痕组织渗透机理和动物抗瘢痕效果的实验研究。上海市科委,自然科学基金项目 2008-01~2010-06 10万元  课题负责人
    05BZ21包封gamma-干扰素的固态脂质纳米粒治疗瘢痕的实验研究上海市教委,发展基金 2005-09~2007-09 6万元  课题负责人
    08ZR1412600包封5-Fu的脂质体纳米粒药物对于瘢痕组织渗透机理和动物抗瘢痕效果的实验研究上海市科委,自然科学基金 ~2010-09 10万元   
  • 学术论文
    Ke Li, Fabio Nicoli, Wen Jing Xi, Zheng Zhang, Chunxiao Cui, Ahmed Al-Mousawi, Alberto Balzani, Yun Tong,  The 1470nm Diode Laser with an Intralesional Fiber Device: A Proposed Solution for the Treatment of Inflamed and Infected Keloids.   Burns & Trauma  2019  7(1):5. 
    闵沛如,苏薇洁,许恒,宋文超,  改良皮肤牵张技术在下肢皮肤缺损治疗中的应用  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2019  15(03):155-158. 
    Zheng Zhang, Ying Liu, Yunsheng Chen, Lexiang Li, Ping Lan, Dannong He, Jie Song,  Transdermal Delivery of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid by Nanoethosome Gels for Photodynamic Therapy of Hypertrophic Scars  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  2019  2019, 11, 3704−3714 
    闵沛如,  颞浅双蒂预扩张头皮瓣在严重烧伤后下面部轮廓重建中的应用  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2019  15(01):20-24. 
    喜雯婧,李科,冯少清,  吲哚菁绿荧光造影在穿支皮瓣微循环检测中的应用  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2018  14(3):139-142. 
    Zhen Zhang, Jun Chen, Jun Huang, Yan Wo,, Xiangdong Chen*  Experimental Study of 5-fluorouracil Encapsulated Ethosomes Combined with CO2 Fractional Laser to Treat Hypertrophic Scar  Nanoscale Res Lett  2018  (2018) 13: 26. 
    K. Li, P. Min, P. Sadigh, L. Grassetti, D. Lazzeri, M. Torresetti, R. Marsili, S. Feng, N. Liu,  Prefabricated Cervical Skin Flaps for Hemi-Facial Resurfacing: Elucidating the Natural History of Postoperative Edema Using Indocyanine Green  Prefabricated Cervical Skin Flaps for Hemi-Facial Resurfacing: Elucidating the Natural History of Postoperative Edema Using Indocyanine Green  2018  16 (1), 100-108  
    Li K, Zhang Z, Nicoli F, D'Ambrosia C, Xi W, Lazzeri D, Feng S, Su W, Li H, Ciudad P, Tremp M,  Application of Indocyanine Green in Flap Surgery: A Systematic Review.  Journal of reconstructive microsurgery   2018  34(2):77-86 
    K. Li, Z. Zhang, N. F. Liu, P. Sadigh, V. J. Evans, H. Zhou, W. Gao,  Far-Infrared Radiation Thermotherapy Improves Tissue Fibrosis in Chronic Extremity Lymphedema  Lymphatic research and biology  2018  16 (3), 248-257 
    喜雯婧,冯少清,李华, 李科,许恒,肖文天,  旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣的重新评价和手术策略  中华显微外科杂志  2018  41(4):313-318. 
    Xu H,Feng S, Xia Y, Steinberger Z, Xi W, Fang H, Li Z, Xie Y,  Prefabricated Flaps: Identification of Microcirculation Structure and Supercharging Technique Improving Survival Area.  J Reconstr Microsurg.   2017  33(2):112-117 
    Feng S, Zhang Z, Xi W, Lazzeri D, Fang Y,  Pre-expanded Bipedicled Supratrochlear Perforator Flap for Simultaneous Reconstruction of the Nasal and Upper Lip Defects  Clin Plast Surg  2017  Clin Plast Surg 
    Zheng Zhang, Yunsheng Chen, Aming Zhang, Jiayue Ding, Chunlei Zhang, Dangnong He,  Biocompatible 5-Aminolevulinic Acid/Au Nanoparticle-Loaded Ethosomal Vesicles for In Vitro Transdermal Synergistic Photodynamic/Photothermal Therapy of Hypertrophic Scars.  Nanoscale Research letter.  2017  (2017) 12:622 
    Feng Shaoqing, Chen Jun, Wo Yan, Li Yunxia, Chen Shiyi,, Zhang Wenjie  Real-time and long-time in vivo imaging in the shortwave infrared window of perforator vessels for more precise evaluation of flap perfusion  Biomaterials  2016  103: 256-264 
    Liu N,  Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography for the Study of Lymphatic System in Lymphedema.   J Reconstr Microsurg  2016  32(1):66-71 
    Feng S, Min P, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D, Sadigh P, Nicoli F, Torresetti M, Gao W, di Benedetto G, Zhang W,  A prospective head-to-head comparison of color Doppler ultrasound and computed tomography angiography in the preoperative planning of lower extremity perforator flaps.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2016  137(1):335-47 
    , Li Z, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D, Nicoli F, Zenn MR, Zhou X, Spinelli G, Yu P.  A new option with the pedicle thoracoacromial artery perforator flap for hypopharyngeal reconstructions  Laryngoscope  2016  126(6):1315-20 
    Zhang Zheng, Chen Yunsheng, Xu Heng, Wo Yan, Zhang Zhen, Liu Ying, Su Weijie, Cui Daxiang,  5-Aminolevulinic acid loaded ethosomal vesicles with high entrapment efficiency for in vitro topical transdermal delivery and photodynamic therapy of hypertrophic scars.  Nanoscale  2016  8(46):19270-19279 
    , Hayakawa TJ, Levin LS, Hallock GG, Lazzeri D.  The economy in autologous tissue transfer. Part 1: the “kiss” flap technique.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2016  Plast Reconstr Surg 
    Lazzeri D, Castello MF, Silvestri A,  "Nativity"-renaissance portal in the Aosta cathedral (1522-1526).  J Endocrinol Invest.  2015  38(1): 113-114. 
    Heping Zheng, Yue-hong Zhuang, Jian Lin,, L.Scott Levin, Luca Grassetti, Davide Lazzeri, Paolo Persichetti.  Revisit of the anatomy of the distal perforator of the descending genicular artery and clinical application of its perforator “propeller” flap in the reconstruction of soft tissue defects around the knee.  Microsurgery  2015  35(5):370-9 
    Xi W,, Su W.  The Hyaluronic Acid Injection in the Lower Eyelid Based on the Hooke's Law.   Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4 Suppl):101. 
    , Xi W, Lazzeri D, Zhou X, Li Z, Nicoli F, Zenn M, Torresetti M, Grassetti L, Spinelli G.  Bi-paddle radial forearm flap for head and neck reconstruction.  J Craniofac Surg.  2015  26(2):350-3  
    Min P, Xi W, Grassetti L, Trisliana Perdanasari A, Torresetti M, Feng S, Su W, Pu Z,, Han S, Zhang YX*, Di Benedetto G, Lazzeri D.  Sebum production alteration after Botulinum Toxin Type A injections for the yreatment of forehead rhytides: a prospective randomized double-blind dose-comparative clinical investigation  Aesthet Surg J.  2015  35(5):600-10 
    , Xi W, Lazzeri D, Zhou X, Li Z, Nicoli F, Zenn M, Torresetti M, Grassetti L, Spinelli G.  Bi-paddle radial forearm flap for head and neck reconstruction.  J Craniofac Surg  2015  26(2):350-3  
    , Lazzeri D, Grassetti L, Silvestri A, Trisliana Perdanasari A, Han Sheng, Torresetti M, di Benedetto G, Castello MF.  A 20-year-long experience in three-dimensional superficial liposculpture of the hips, flank and thighs  Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open  2015  3(1):e291 
    Trisliana Perdanasari A,, Lazzeri D.  Chasing Michelangelo Buonarroti's greatness  Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4):571e-2e. 
    Li K, Min P,  A Study of the Post-Op Lymphedema of Prefabricated Flaps and Its Prognosis.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4 Suppl):109-10. 
    Su W,  Bi-Pedicle Pre-Expended Forehead Flap for Facial Subunits Reconstruction.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4 Suppl):104. 
    Min P, Xi W, Grassetti L, Trisliana Perdanasari A, Torresetti M, Feng S, Su W, Pu Z, Zhang Y, Han S,, Di Benedetto G, Lazzeri D.  Sebum production alteration after Botulinum Toxin Type A injections for the yreatment of forehead rhytides: a prospective randomized double-blind dose-comparative clinical investigation  Aesthet Surg J.  2015  35(5):600-10 
    Min PR, Xi WJ, Feng SQ, Su WJ,, Lazzeri D.  A Prospective Randomised Double-Blind Dose-Comparative Clinical Investigation Evaluating Skin Mechanical Property Alterations After Botulinum Toxin Type A Injections for the Treatment of Forehead Rhytides  Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4 Suppl):146-7. 
    Lazzeri D, Castello MF, Grassetti L, Dashti T,, Persichetti P.   Foot deformities in Renaissance paintings. A mystery of symbolism, artistic license, illusion and true representation in five renowned renaissance painters.  J R Coll Physicians Edinb,  2015  45(4):289-97 
    Wang J, Min P, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D,, Nicoli F, Innocenti M, Torresetti M, Levin LS, Persichetti P.  Preliminary outcomes of distal IMAP and SEAP flaps for the treatment of unstable keloids subject to recurrent inflammation and infections in the lower sternal and upper abdominal areas  J Reconstr Microsurg  2015  31(9):621-30. 
    Lazzeri D, Castello MF,, Persichetti P.  Is de Zurbaran’s “Saint Hugo in the Refectory” the earliest example of portrayal of Parkinson’s disease?   Rev Neurol (Paris)  2015  171(5):452-4 
    Wang J, Min P, Grassetti L, Lazzeri D,, Nicoli F, Innocenti M, Torresetti M, Levin LS, Persichetti P.  Preliminary outcomes of distal IMAP and SEAP flaps for the treatment of unstable keloids subject to recurrent inflammation and infections in the lower sternal and upper abdominal areas.  J Reconstr Microsurg  2015  31(9):621-30 
    李科,张铮,沃雁,张振,  光动力治疗瘢痕组织进展  中华全科医师杂志  2015  14(1):73-76. 
    Trisliana Perdanasari A,, Lazzeri D.   Chasing Michelangelo Buonarroti's greatness.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2015  136(4):571e-2e. 
    Lazzeri D, Castello MF,, Persichetti P.  Is de Zurbaran’s “Saint Hugo in the Refectory” the earliest example of portrayal of Parkinson’s disease?  Rev Neurol (Paris)  2015  171(5):452-4 
    张铮,沃雁,张振,毛小慧,苏薇洁,濮哲铭,张艳,  5-氟尿嘧啶醇脂体抑制瘢痕成纤维细胞的实验研究  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2014  2014,(2):77-81. 
    Wenjing Xi, Aurelia Trisliana Perdanasari , Yeesiang Ong, Sheng Han, Peiru Min,Weijie Su, Shaoqing Feng, Lucrezia Pacchioni,, Davide Lazzeri.  Objective Breast Volume, Shape and Surface Area Assessment:A Systematic Review of Breast Measurement Methods.   Aesth Plast Surg   2014  38(6):1116-30. 
    Giuseppe Spinelli, Matteo Torresetti, Davide Lazzeri,, Francesco Arcuri, Tommaso Agostini, Luca Grassetti, MD.  Microsurgical Reconstruction After Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Our Experience With Fibula Free Flap  J Craniofac Surg  2014  25(3):788-92 
    Davide Lazzeri, Wenjing Xi,, Paolo Persichetti.  A systematic reappraisal of the fifth finger in Renaissance paintings.   Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine  2014  107(12) 474–479. 
    Lazzeri D, Xi W,, Persichetti P.  A systematic reappraisal of the fifth finger in Renaissance paintings.   J R Soc Med.  2014  107(12): 474–479. 
    , Grassetti L, Di Benedetto G, Lazzeri D.   Endocrinology and art. “Adoration of the shepherds” - Simone Peterzano (1540 - 1596).  J Endocrinol Invest  2014  37(12): 1237-8. 
      浅谈整形外科住院医师培训教育有感于“See One,Do One,Teach One”  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2014  2014,(4):240-240 
    Manuel Francisco Castello, Sheng Han, Alessandro Silvestri, Luca Grassetti, Matteo Torresetti,, Aurelia Trisliana Perdanasari , Claudio Marcelli, Diego Gigliotti, Davide Lazzeri.  Simple Method to Inset and Position Polyurethane-Covered Breast Implants.  Aesth Plast Surg  2014  38:365–368 
    Wo Y, Zhang Z,, Zhang Z, Wang K, Mao X, Su W, Li K, Cui D, Chen J.  Enhanced in vivo delivery of 5-fluorouracil by ethosomal gels in rabbit ear hypertrophic scar model.  Int J Mol Sci  2014  15(12):22786-800. 
    Castello MF, Silvestri A, Nicoli F, Dashti T, Han S, Grassetti L, Torresetti M, Trisliana Perdanasari A,, Di Benedetto G, Lazzeri D.  Augmentation mammoplasty/mastopexy: lessons learned from 107 aesthetic cases.  Aesthetic Plast Surg  2014  38(5):896-907. 
    Li Z, Cui J,, Levin LS, Zhou X, Spinelli G, Lazzeri D, Persichetti P.   Versatility of the thoracoacromial artery perforator flap in head and neck reconstruction.  J Reconstr Microsurg  2014  30(7):497-504 
    李科,刘宁飞,付兰芬,梁辰,  烘绑疗法治疗肢体慢性淋巴水肿  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2014  2014,(2):92-95. 
    Trisliana Perdanasari A, Lazzeri D, Su W, Xi W, Zheng Z, Ke L, Min P, Feng S,, Persichetti P  Recent developments in the use of intralesional injections keloid treatment.  Arch Plast Surg  2014  41(6):620-629. 
    ,苏薇洁  Kolb循环学习法在整形外科教学中的应用  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2014  10(5):295-297. 
    Lazzeri D, Su W, Qian Y, Messmer C, Agostini T, Spinelli G, Marcus JR, Levin SL, Zenn MR,  Prefabricated neck expanded skin flap with the superficial temporal vessels for facial resurfacing  J Reconstr Microsurg  2013  29(4):255-62. 
    , Messmer C, Agostini T, Spinelli G, Lazzeri D.   Thoracoacromial artery perforators  Microsurgery  2013  33(1):81-82 
    Lazzeri D, Huemer GM, Nicoli F, Larcher L, Dashti T, Grassetti L, Li Q,, Spinelli G, Agostini T.   Indications, Outcomes and Complications of Pedicled Propeller Perforator Flaps For Upper Body Defects: A Systematic Review  Arch Plast Surg  2013  40(1):44-50 
    闵沛如,喜雯婧,苏薇洁, 冯少清,Aurelia Trisliana,Lucrezia Pacchioni,濮哲铭,张艳,  A型肉毒毒素额部除皱后引起皮脂分泌改变的实验研究  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2013  2013,(6):338-341. 
    王珏,田涛,冯少清,  多层螺旋CT血管造影技术在穿支皮瓣修复下肢软组织缺损中的应用  中华显微外科杂志  2013  36(4):317-321. 
    Su W, Lu L, Lazzeri D,, Wang D, Innocenti M, Qian Y, Agostini T, Levin LS, Messmer C.   Contrast enhanced ultrasound combined with three dimensional reconstructions in preoperative perforator flap planning.  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  2013  131(1):80-93 
    , Qian Y, Pu Z, Ong YS, Messmer C, Li Q, Agostini T, Erdmann D, Levin LS, Lazzeri D.   Reverse bi-paddle posterior interosseous artery perforator flap  Plast Reconstr Surg  2013  131(4):552e-562e. 
    , Yongjie H, Messmer C, Ong YS, Zan L, Zhou X, Spinelli G, Agostini T, Levin LS, Lazzeri D.  Thoracoacromial artery perforator flap: anatomical basis and clinical applications.  Plast Reconstr Surg  2013  13195):759e-770e 
    喜雯婧,闵沛如,苏薇洁, Aurelia Trislina,Lucrezia Pacchioni,张艳,濮哲铭,  乳房体积测量方法的比较研究  组织工程与重建外科杂志  2013  2013,(6):324-327,330. 
    Lazzeri D, Larcher L, Huemer GM, Riml S, Grassetti L, Pantaloni M, Li Q,, Spinelli G, Agostini T.  Surgical correction of rhinophyma: comparison of two methods in a 15-year-long experience.  J Craniomaxillofac Surg  2013  41(5):429-36. 
    Agostini T, Russo GL,, Spinelli G, Lazzeri D.  Adipofascial Anterolateral Thigh Flap Safety: Applications and Complications.  Arch Plast Surg  2013  40(2):91-96 
    Licata G, Agostini T, Fanelli G, Grassetti L, Marcianò A, Rovatti PP, Pantaloni M,, Lazzeri D.  Lipolysis using a new 1540-nm diode laser: a retrospective analysis of 230 consecutive procedures  J Cosmet Laser Ther  2013  15(4):184-92. 
    , Messmer C, Pang FK, Ong YS, Feng SQ, Qian Y, Spinelli G, Agostini T, Levin LS, Lazzeri D.   A novel design of the multilobed latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap to achieve primary donor-site closure in the reconstruction of large defects.   Plast Reconstr Surg,   2013  131(5):752e-758e