• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 程英升 学科代码: 100207
    性别: 学科名称: 影像医学与核医学
    培养单位: 附属第六人民医院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称: 放射影像学 专业学位
    联系方式: 021-38297858 专业领域代码: 105123
    邮编: 200233 邮箱地址: chengyingsheng@hotmail.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    81971714负载BSA-Ce6-MnO2纳米颗粒的可降解光动力支架治疗食管恶性梗阻的实 验研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2020-01~2023-12 55万元  课题负责人
    SHDC2019122光动力联合食管支架治疗食管恶性梗阻多中心临床研究上海申康医院发展中心 2019-11~2022-11 50万元  课题负责人
    021上海领军人才上海市委组织部和人保局 2019-01~2022-12 110万元  课题负责人
    81771943仿生食管水凝胶复合纤维支架治疗食管瘘的实验研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2018-01~2019-12 25万元  课题负责人
    2017YFC0109204新型低剂量数字减影血管造影(DSA)X射线成像系统及临床应用研究国家科技部 重大专项 2017-07~2021-12 95.05万元  子课题负责人
    81571701具有光敏剂纳米颗粒控释功能的可降解镁合金支架治疗食管恶性梗阻的实验研究国家自然科学基金,面上项目 2016-01~2019-12 58万元  课题负责人
    2015YXLJRC084具有光敏剂纳米颗粒控释功能的可降解 镁合金支架治疗食管恶性梗阻的实验研究上海市卫计委 2016-01~2018-12 45万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Lishuai Feng, Chaoran Dou, Yuguo Xia, Benhao Li, Mengyao Zhao, Peng Yu, Yuanyi Zheng, Ahmed Mohamed El-Toni, Nada Farouk Atta, Ahmed Galal,, Xiaojun Cai*, Yan Wang*, and Fan Zhang*  Neutrophil-like Cell-Membrane-Coated Nanozyme Therapy for Ischemic Brain Damage and Long-Term Neurological Functional Recovery  ACS Nano  2021  2021, 15, 2, 2263–2280 
    Lishuai Feng, Chaoran Dou, Yuguo Xia, Benhao Li, Mengyao Zhao, Ahmed Mohamed El-Toni, Nada Farouk Atta, Yuanyi Zheng, Xiaojun Cai, Yan Wang,, Fan Zhang  Enhancement of Nanozyme Permeation by Endovascular Interventional Treatment to Prevent Vascular Restenosis via Macrophage Polarization Modulation  Adv. Funct. Mater  2020  Volume30, Issue52 December 22, 2020 
    Kai Yang, Jun Cao, Tian-Wen Yuan, Yue-Qi Zhu, Bi Zhou,  Silicone-covered biodegradable magnesium stent for treating benign esophageal stricture in a rabbit model  World Journal of Gastroenterology (2018 IF=3.411)  2019  2019, 25(25):3207-3217 
    Junyuan Xiao, Liang Cheng, Tonglei Fang, Yiran Zhang, Jia Zhou, Ruoyu Cheng, Wantao Tang, Xiaoyan Zhong, Yong Lu, Lianfu Deng,, Yueqi Zhu, Zhuang Liu, Wenguo Cui  Nanoparticle-Embedded Electrospun Fiber–Covered Stent to Assist Intraluminal Photodynamic Treatment of Oesophageal Cancer  Small  2019  Volume15, Issue49 December 6, 2019 
    Qing-Hua Tian, Zhong-Jun Liu, Hei-Fei Liu, Rui Fang, Rong-Rong Shen, Tao Wang,, and Chun-Gen Wu.  Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy and Percutaneous Disc Cementoplasty for Painful Lumbar Disc Herniation in Patients over 60 Years.  J Vasc Interv Radiol (2018 SCI IF=2.828)  2019  2019; 30:894–899. 
    Zhou J, Li T, Zhang C, Xiao J, Cui D,  Charge-switchable nanocapsules with multistage pH-responsive behaviours for enhanced tumour-targeted chemo/photodynamic therapy guided by NIR/MR imaging.  Nanoscale (2018,IF=7.233)  2018  2018;10(20):9707-9719 
    Li H, Wang P, Gong W, Wang Q, Zhou J, Zhu WH,  Dendron-Grafted Polylysine-Based Dual-Modal Nanoprobe for Ultra-Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Precancerosis via Targeting a Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor  Adv Healthc Mater.(2018 IF=5.609)  2018  2018;7(5). doi: 10.1002/adhm.201700912 
    Kai Yang, Guo-Qiang Qu, Yue-Qi Zhu, Ni-Wei Chen, Zhi-Gang Wang,  Super-Flexible Through-the-Scope Self-Expandable Metallic Stent Insertion for the Management of Malignant Tortuous Hepatic or Splenic Flexure Colonic Obstruction  Chinese Medical Journal (2018 IF=1.555)  2018  2018,131(11):1381-1384 
    Qing-Hua Tian, Tao Wang, Chun-Gen Wu, Ming-Hua Li,  Feasibility of percutaneous interbody fusion as a treatment for adjacent vertebral stress fracture of ankylosing spondylitis with intervertebral pseudarthrosis formation  Journal of Pain Research (2018 SCI IF=2.236)  2018  2018:11 1673–1678. 
    Qing-Hua Tian, Ying-Ying Lu, Xi-Qi Sun, Tao Wang, Chun-Gen Wu, Ming-Hua Li,  Feasibility of percutaneous lumbar discectomy combined with percutaneous cementoplasty for symptomatic lumbar disc herniation with modic type I endplate changes  Pain Physician (2017 SCI IF=2.556)  2017  2017,20:481-488.  
    Zhu YQ, Edmonds L,, Wei LM, Zheng RL, Cheng RY,, Cheng YS  Technical feasibility and tissue reaction after silicone-covered biodegradable magnesium stent insertion in the oesophagus: a primary study in vitro and in vivo  Eur Radiol (2017 IF=4.027)  2017  2017; 27:2546–2553 
    Kai Yang,, Ji-Jin Yang, Xu Jiang and Ji-Xiang Guo  Primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumors: multi-modal imaging features with pathological correlations  Cancer Imaging (2017 IF=3.016)  2017  2017 17:20 DOI 10.1186/s40644-017-0120-x 
    Zhu YQ, Lu HT, Wei LM, Liu F,,Wang JB, Zhao JG  String-like lumen in below-the-knee chronic total occlusions on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography predicts intraluminal recanalization and better blood flow restoration  Eur Radiol (2017 IF=4.027)  2017  2017 Jul;27(7):2835-2842 
    Yueqi Zhu, Kai Yang, Ruoyu Cheng, Yi Xiang, Tianwen Yuan, Bruno Sarmento,, and Wenguo Cui  The current status of biodegradable stent to treat benign luminal disease  Materials Today (2017 IF=24.537)  2017  2017; 20(9):516-529 
    Li M, Zhu Y, Song H, Gu B, Lu H, Li Y, Tan H,  Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Patients with Good Clinical Grade: Accuracy of 3.0-T MR Angiography for Detection and Characterization.   Radiology (2017 IF=7.469)  2017  2017 Jul;284(1):191-199 
    Zeng M, Shao A, Li H, Tang Y, Li Q, Guo Z, Wu C,, Tian H, Zhu WH  Peptide Receptor-Targeted Fluorescent Probe: Visualization and Discrimination between Chronic and Acute Ulcerative Colitis.  ACS Appl Mater Interfaces (2017 IF=8.097)  2017  2017;9(15):13029-13036 
    Li H, Wang P, Deng Y, Zeng M, Tang Y, Zhu WH,  Combination of active targeting, enzyme-triggered release and fluorescent dye into gold nanoclusters for endomicroscopy-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma  Biomaterials (2017 IF=8.806)  2017  2017;139:30-38 
    Tang Yan,Tang Yong,  miR-34a inhibits pancreatic cancer progression through Snail1-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the Notch signaling pathway  Scientific Reports(2017 SCI IF=4.259)|  2017  7:38232 
    Yue-Qi Zhu, Kai Yang, Laura Edmonds, Li-Ming Wei, Reila Zheng, Ruo-Yu Cheng, Wen-Guo Cui,  Silicone-covered biodegradable magnesium-stent insertion in the esophagus: a comparison with plastic stents.   Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology (2017 IF=4.168)  2017  2017;10(1):11-19. 
    Yuan TW, Yu J, Cao J, Gao F, Zhu YQ,, Cui WG  Fabrication of a Delaying Biodegradable Magnesium Alloy-Based Esophageal Stent via Coating Elastic Polymer  Materials (2016 SCI IF=2.654)  2016  2016; 9(5): 384-395 
    Kai Yang, Christopher Ling, Tianwen Yuan, Yueqi Zhu,  Polymeric Biodegradable Stent Insertion in the Esophagus  Polymers (2016 IF=3.681)  2016  2016, 8, 158; doi:10.3390/polym8050158  
    Yuan TW, Zheng RL, Yu J, Edmonds L, Wu W, Cao J, Gao F,Zhu YQ,, Cui WG  Fabrication and evaluation of polymer-based esophageal stents for benign esophagus stricture insertion  RSC Advances(2016 SCI IF=3.289)  2016  2016; 6(20):16891-16898 
    Zhang LY, Lu J, Wang ZM,, Teng GJ, Chen KM  Clinical efficacy of computed tomography-guided iodine-125 seed implantation therapy in patients with advanced spinal metastatic tumors  OncoTargets and Therapy (2016 SCI IF=2.272)  2016  2016;9(1): 7–12 
    Wan Y, Zhu YQ, Chen NW, Wang ZG,, Shi J  Comparison of through-the-scope stent insertion with standard stent insertion for the management of malignant colorectal obstruction: a prospective study.  Tech Coloproctol (2016 IF=2.342)  2016  2016 Oct;20(10):707-14 
    Xing XH, Zhang BB, Wang XH, Liu FJ, Shi DL,  An "imaging-biopsy" strategy for colorectal tumor reconfirmation by multipurpose paramagnetic quantum dots.   Biomaterials(2015 SCI IF=8.557)  2015  2015 Apr;48:16-25 
    Wang XH, Xing XH, Zhang BB, Liu FJ,, Shi DL.   Surface engineered antifouling optomagnetic SPIONs for bimodal targeted imaging of pancreatic cancer cells.   Int J Nanomedicine(2015SCI IF=4.383)  2014  2014 Mar 27;9:1601-15. 
    Zhu YQ, Edmonds L, Zhao X, Chen XL, Hu CM,,Cui WG.   In vitroandin vivoevaluation of Rapamycin-eluting nanofibers coated on cardia stents.   RSC Adv.,(2015SCI IF=3.840)  2014  2014;4: 34405 
    Li H, Li YD, Cui L, Wang BY, Cui WL, Li MH,  Monitoring pancreatic carcinogenesis by the molecular imaging of cathepsin E in vivo using confocal laser endomicroscopy.   PLoS One(2015SCI IF=3.234)  2014  2014 Sep 3;9(9):e106566 
    Li H, Diaz L, Lee D, Cui L, Liang X,  In vivo imaging of T cells loaded with gold nanoparticles: a pilot study.   Radiol Med(2015 SCI IF=1.343)  2014  2014 Apr;119(4):269-276 
    Zhu YQ, Cui WG,, Chang J, Chen NW, Yan L, Li MH.  Biodegradable rapamycin-eluting nano-fiber membrane-covered metal stent placement to reduce fibroblast proliferation in experimental stricture in a canine model.  Endoscopy.(2012 SCI IF=5.210)  2013  2013;45(6):458-468 
    Li JH, Lee A,  A GPS map for pulmonary hypertension: a review of imaging modalities. ..   Curr Hypertens Rep(2015SCI IF=3.435)  2013  2013 Dec;15(6):650-658 
    ZhuYueqi , HuChangmin , LiBin , YangHuilin ,, CuiWenguo(Co-Corresponding Author)  A highly flexible paclitaxel-loaded poly(e-caprolactone) electrospunfibrous-membrane-covered stent for benign cardia stricture  Acta Biomaterialia(2013 SCI IF=6.025)  2013  2013;34(9):8328-8336 
    Zhu Y-Q , Cui W-G ,, Chang J , Chen N-W , Yan L.  Evaluation of biodegradable paclitaxel-eluting nanofibre-covered metal stents for the treatment of benign cardia stricture in an experimental model.  British Journal of Surgery.(2012 SCI IF=4.606)  2013  2013;100(6):784-793 
    Liang, XF; Sun, YM; Duan, YR(Corresponding Author); Cheng,  Synthesis and characterization of PEG-graft-quaternized chitosan and cationic polymeric liposomes for drug delivery .  Journal of Applied Polymer Science,(2015 SCI IF=1.768)   2012  2012;125(2):1302-1309  
    Liu FJ,Zhang BB,Song G,  Gd3+ and RGD Functionalized Quantum Dots for Fluorescent and MR Dual-modality Imaging of Pancreatic Cancer Cells.  Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,(2015SCI IF=0.799)  2012  2012;33(2):1-5  
    Wang YL,, Liu LZ, He ZH, Ding KH.  Emergency transcatheter arterial embolization for patients with acute massive duodenal ulcer hemorrhage.  World J Gastroenterol.(2012 SCI IF=2.471)  2012  2012;18(34):4765-4770. 
    Sun, YM; Liang, XF; Zhu, MJ; Zhao,, Yingsheng(Corresponding Author); Duan, Yourong(Corresponding Author).   Characterization and Bioactivity of Alginate-Quaternized Chitosan Microcapsules.  Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry(2015 SCI IF=0.809)  2012  2012; 49(6): 483-489 
    Zhu YQ,, Li F, Li MH, Zhao JG, Chen NW.  Application of the newly developed stents in the treatment of benign cardia stricture: an experimental comparative study.  Gastrointest Endosc.(2011 SCI IF=5.608)  2011  2011;73(2):329-337 
    Zhu YQ,,Tang GY,Li MH,Zhao JG,Li F.   Comparison of temporary stent insertion with pneumatic dilation of the same diameter in the treatment of achalasia patients: A retrospective study.  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2015SCI IF=3.504)  2010  2010;25(3):499–505 
    Li YD,, Li MH, Chen NW, Chen WX, Zhao JG.   Temporary self-expanding metallic stents and pneumatic dilation for the treatment of achalasia: a prospective study with a long-term follow-up.   Dis Esophagus(2015SCI IF=1.782)  2010  2010;23(5):361-367 
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    Li YD,,Li MH, Fan YB,Chen NW,Wang Y.  Management?of?acute?malignant?colorectal?obstruction?with?a novel?self-expanding?metallic?stent?as?a?bridge?to?surgery.   European Journal of Radiology, (2010 SCI IF=2.645)  2010  2010;73(3):566-571 
    Li YD, Tang GY,, Chen NW, Chen WX, Zhao JG.   13-year follow-up of a prospective comparison of the long-term clinical efficacy of temporary self-expanding metallic stents and pneumatic dilatation for the treatment of achalasia in 120 patients.   AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2015 SCI IF=2.731)  2010  2010;195(6):1429-1437 
    Zhu YQ,, Li MH, Zhao JG, Li F, Chen NW  Temporary self-expanding cardia stents for the treatment of achalasia: an experimental study in dogs  Neurogastroenterol Motil. (2010 SCIIF=3.568)  2010  2010;22(11):1240-1247