• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 林开利 学科代码: 100301
    性别: 学科名称: 口腔基础医学
    培养单位: 口腔医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 电子邮箱:lklecnu@aliyun.com; linkaili@sjtu.edu.cn 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200011 邮箱地址: lklecnu@aliyun.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
    The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal • 副主编
    Frontiers in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine • Editor Board Member
    RSC Advances • 副主编(2015-2017)
  • 科研项目
    32271379电刺激耦合结构/活性元素促骨折愈合的GBR膜设计与成骨机制研究国家自然科学基金 2023-01~2026-01 54万元  课题负责人
    21490711700个性化力学适配型生物活性钛植入器械的制备与应用研究上海市科委国际科技合作项目(重点类) 2021-07~2024-06 45万元  课题负责人
    YG2021ZD12基于3D增材制造技术的力学适配生物活性个性化钛植入器械研发上海交通大学“交大之星”计划医工交叉研究基金(重点类) 2021-01~2023-12 100万元  课题负责人
    82072396激活自噬促骨质疏松性骨缺损修复生物陶瓷的设计与机制研究国家自然科学基金 2021-01~2024-12 55万元  课题负责人
    20191819上海交通大学医学院双百人计划上海交通大学医学院 2019-10~2022-09 130万元  课题负责人
    19XD1434500基于微纳结构和功能元素设计和制备生物活性骨修复陶瓷上海市优秀学术/技术带头人 2019-04~2022-04 40万元  课题负责人
    81871490激活内源性干细胞的骨修复材料构建及其原位诱导骨再生机制研究国家自然科学基金 2019-01~2022-12 57万元  课题负责人
    2018YFB11056053D打印关节单元高通量筛选药物模型构建国家重点研发计划课题 2018-05~2021-04 340万元  课题负责人
    2018上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院引进人才计划上海高校高峰学科(口腔医学) 2018-03~2021-12 200万元  课题负责人
    17510710800基于3D打印的个性化生物活性牙种植体研制上海市科委国际科技合作(重点)项目 2017-07~2020-06 50万元  课题负责人
    86172134三维打印多级微纳结构生物陶瓷调控成骨/成血管机制及其促颌骨 节段性缺损修复研究国家自然科学基金 2017-01~2020-12 60万元  课题负责人
    16DZ0503800医用3D打印聚乳酸材料标准体系研究与建设上海市科委标准化(重点)项目(子课题) 2016-08~2019-07 60万元  课题参与人
    201540369锶/硅掺杂高结晶度纳米构羟基磷灰石生物涂层的制备及促骨整合性能研究上海市卫计委(重点)项目 2016-01~2018-12 15万元  课题负责人
    15441905300可降解微纳结构双相磷酸钙生物陶瓷调控成骨/成血管及其应用研究上海市科委生物医药支撑(重点)项目 2015-07~2018-09 50万元  课题负责人
    13NM1402102羟基磷灰石及其复合骨修复材料的自组装制备上海市科委基础研究(重点)项目 2013-09~2016-08 40万元  课题负责人
    81171458羟基磷灰石表面微纳米结构及组成的可控制备与生物学效应研究国家自然科学基金 2012-12~2015-12 58万元  课题负责人
    30900299多孔硅酸钙生物陶瓷的成骨与降解机理研究国家自然科学基金 2010-01~2012-12 22万元  课题负责人
    09JC1415500掺锶/锌生物活性硅酸钙骨修复陶瓷的制备与生物学性能研究上海市科委基础研究(重点)项目 2009-09~2011-09 35万元  课题负责人
    07ZD05012生物玻璃和玻璃陶瓷粉体检测方法标准研究上海市科委标准化(重点)项目 2007-10~2009-09 60万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Junkai Zeng, Changjiang Gu, Xiangwu Geng,, Youzhuan Xie, Xiongsheng Chen   Combined photothermal and sonodynamic therapy using a 2D black phosphorus nanosheets loaded coating for efficient biofilm eradication and bone-implant integration  Biomaterials  2023  297:122122. 
    Zichang Liu#, Yu Zhuang #, Lianfei Fang, Changyong Yuan*, Xudong Wang*,  Breakthrough of extracellular vesicles in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis  Bioactive Materials  2023  22:423-452. 
    Zeyu Fu, Dejian Li, Jinjie Cui, Haipeng Xu, Changyong Yuan, Penglai Wang, Bin Zhao,  Promoting bone regeneration via bioactive calcium silicate nanowires reinforced poly (ε-caprolactone) electrospun fibrous membranes  Materials & Design  2023  226:111671. 
    Yu Chen, Long Chen, Yitong Wang,, Jiaqiang Liu  Lithium-containing bioactive glasses enhanced 3D-printed PLGA scaffolds for bone regeneration in diabetes  Composites Part B  2022  2022;230:109550 
    Hao Wu, Cancan Zhao,, Xudong Wang  Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine-Based Multilayered Coatings for Enhanced Bone Formation  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  2022  2022;10:952500 
    Cancan Zhao, Jianyu Wan, Liangzhu Zhang, Chen Zhang, Jiemin Wang,, Xudong Wang  Two-Dimensional Borocarbonitride Nanosheet-Engineered Hydrogel as an All-In-One Platform for Melanoma Therapy and Skin Regeneration  Chemistry of Materials  2022  2022;34:6568-6581 
    Xingge Yu, Xiuhui Wang, Ruilong Sheng, Rui Zhu, Xudong Wang,  Mechanically reinforced injectable bioactive nanocomposite hydrogels for in-situ bone regeneration  Chemical Engineering Journal  2022  2022;433:132799 
    Yu Zhuang, Mengjia Cheng, Meng Li, Jinyang Huang, Chenglong Zhang, Jiawen Si,, Hongbo Yu  Small extracellular vesicles derived from hypoxic mesenchymal stem cells promote vascularized bone regeneration through the miR-210-3p/EFNA3/PI3K pathway  Acta Biomaterialia  2022  S1742-7061(22)00409-3 
    Peng Mei, Shengjie Jiang, Yijia Zhou, Kaijun Gu, Chen Zhang, Xudong Wang,, Cancan Zhao, Min Zhu  In situ construction of fower-like nanostructured calcium silicate bioceramics for enhancing bone regeneration mediated via FAK/p38 signaling pathway  Journal of Nanobiotechnology  2022  2022;20:162 
    Jinjie Cui, Xingge Yu, Bin Yu, Xiuyi Yang, Zeyu Fu, Jianyu Wan, Min Zhu, Xudong Wang,  Coaxially Fabricated Dual-Drug Loading Electrospinning Fibrous Mat with Programmed Releasing Behavior to Boost Vascularized Bone Regeneration  Advanced Healthcare Materials  2022  2022;11:2200571 
    Yitong Wang, Jinjie Cui, Jiajie Chen, Jianyu Wan, Yakun Liang, Ming Qi, Xudong Wang, Lei Zhang,  Novel bone tumor cell targeting nanosystem for chemo-photothermal therapy of malignant bone tumors  Chemical Engineering Journal  2022  2022;446:136905 
    Jinkai Zhang, Cancan Zhao, Ruilong Sheng,, Xudong Wang, Shilei Zhang  Construction of a Hierarchical Micro-/Submicro-/Nanostructured 3D Printed Ti6Al4V Surface Feature to Promote Osteogenesis: Involvement of Sema7A through the ITGB1/FAK/ERK Signaling Pathway  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  2022  2022;14:30571-30581 
    Runyi Mao, Bin Yu, Jinjie Cui, Zeying Wang, Xintai Huang, Hongbo Yu,, Steve GF Shen  Piezoelectric stimulation from electrospun composite nanofibers for rapid peripheral nerve regeneration  Nano Energy  2022  2022;98:107322 
    Jian Xie, Xiaowei Wu, Shang Zheng,, Jiansheng Su  Aligned electrospun poly(l-lactide) nanofbers facilitate wound healing by inhibiting macrophage M1 polarization via the JAK-STAT and NF-κB pathways  Journal of Nanobiotechnology  2022  2022;20:342 
    Zeyu Fu, Yu Zhuang, Jinjie Cui, Ruilong Sheng, Helena Tomás, Jo?o Rodrigues, Bin Zhao, Xudong Wang,  Development and challenges of cells- and materials-based tooth regeneration  Engineered Regeneration  2022  2022;3:163-181 
    Hongpu Wei, Jinjie Cui,, Jing Xie, Xudong Wang  Recent advances in smart stimuli-responsive biomaterials for bone therapeutics and regeneration  Bone Research  2022  2022;10:17 
    Xinran Zhang, Jinjie Cui, Liming Cheng,  Enhancement of osteoporotic bone regeneration by strontium-substituted 45S5 bioglass via time-dependent modulation of autophagy and the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway  Journal of Materials Chemistry B  2021  2021;9:3489-3501 
    Hui Wang, Jiaqiang Liu, Chengtao Wang, Steve Guofang Shen, Xudong Wang,  The synergistic effect of 3D-printed microscale roughness surface and nanoscale feature on enhancing osteogenic differentiation and rapid osseointegration  Journal of Materials Science & Technology  2021  2021;63:18-26 
    Xiangyu Wang, Hanjiang Zhao, Zhenchuan Liu, Yitong Wang, Dan Lin, Long Chen, Jiewen Dai,, Steve G. Shen  Polydopamine nanoparticles as dual-task platform for osteoarthritis therapy: A scavenger for reactive oxygen species and regulator for cellular powerhouses  Chemical Engineering Journal  2021  2021;417:129284 
    Jiajie Chen, Yitong Wang, Huicong Niu, Yuwei Wang, Aijun Wu, Chaoqin Shu, Yufang Zhu, Yuhai Bian and Kaili Lin  Metal?Organic Framework-Based Nanoagents for Effective Tumor Therapy by Dual Dynamics-Amplified Oxidative Stress  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  2021  2021;13:45201-45213 
    Jinjie Cui, Lunguo Xia,, Xiuhui Wang  In situ construction of a nano-structured akermanite coating for promoting bone formation and osseointegration of Ti–6Al–4V implants in a rabbit osteoporosis model  Journal of Materials Chemistry B  2021  2021;9:9505-9513 
    Bin Yu, Zhiguang Qiao, Jinjie Cui, Meifei Lian, Yu Han, Xing Zhang, Weiqi Wang, Xingge Yu, Hao Yu, Xudong Wang,  A host-coupling bio-nanogenerator for electrically stimulated osteogenesis  Biomaterials  2021  2021;276:120997 
    Zeyu Fu, Jinjie Cui, Bin Zhao, Steve GF Shen,  An overview of polyester/hydroxyapatite composites for bone tissue repairing  Journal of Orthopaedic Translation  2021  2021;28:118-130 
    Cheng Zhang, Tianjia Zhang, Tengyu Geng, Xudong Wang,, Penglai Wang  Dental Implants Loaded With Bioactive Agents Promote Osseointegration in Osteoporosis: A Review  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  2021  2021;9:591796 
    Yiting Sun, Yaxin Li, Yu Zhang, Tiange Wang,, Jiaqiang Liu  A polydopamine-assisted strontium-substituted apatite coating for titanium promotes osteogenesis and angiogenesis via FAK/MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways  Materials Science & Engineering C  2021  2021;131:112482 
    Jiajie Chen, Shiyang Lin, Doudou Zhao, Lei Guan, Yaping Hu, Yitong Wang,, and Yufang Zhu  Palladium Nanocrystals-Engineered Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Tumor Inhibition by Synergistic Hydrogen/Photodynamic Therapy  Advanced Functional Materials  2021  2021;31:2006853 
    Anqi Liu, Dan Lin, Hanjiang Zhao, Long Chen, Bolei Cai,, Steve GF Shen  Optimized BMSC-derived osteoinductive exosomes immobilized in hierarchical scaffold via lyophilization for bone repair through Bmpr2/ Acvr2b competitive receptor-activated Smad pathway  Biomaterials  2021  2021;272:120718 
    Jian Xie, Hangqi Shen, Guangyin Yuan,, Jiansheng Su  The effects of alignment and diameter of electrospun fibers on the cellular behaviors and osteogenesis of BMSCs  Materials Science & Engineering C  2021  2021;120:111787 
    Yu Zhuang, Chenglong Zhang, Mengjia Cheng, Jinyang Huang, Qingcheng Liu,, Hongbo Yu  Challenges and strategies for in situ endothelialization and long-term lumen patency of vascular grafts  Bioactive Materials  2021  2021;6:1791-1809 
    Qinfeng Ding, Jinjie Cui, Hangqi Shen, Chuanglong He, Xudong Wang, Steve GF Shen,  Advances of nanomaterial applications in oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration and disease treatment  Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology  2021  2021;13:e1669 
    Yanmei Tang, Yu Tan,, Min Zhu  Research Progress on Polydopamine Nanoparticles for Tissue Engineering  Frontiers in Chemistry  2021  2021;9:727123 
    Hui Wang, Changyong Yuan,, Rui Zhu, Shilei Zhang  Modifying a 3D-Printed Ti6Al4V Implant with Polydopamine Coating to Improve BMSCs Growth, Osteogenic Differentiation, and In Situ Osseointegration In Vivo  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology  2021  2021;9:761911 
    Panyu Zhou, Demeng Xia, Zhexin Ni, Tianle Ou, Yang Wang, Hongyue Zhang, Lixia Mao,, Shuogui Xu, Jiaqiang Liu,  Calcium silicate bioactive ceramics induce osteogenesis through oncostatin M  Bioactive Materials  2021  2021;6:810-822 
    [5] Cancan Zhao, Anfeng Shen, Liangzhu Zhang, Kaili Lin,  Borocarbonitrides Nanosheets Engineered 3D-printed Scaffolds for Integrated Strategy of Osteosarcoma Therapy and Bone Regeneration  Chemical Engineering Journal  2020  2020;401:125989 
    Cancan Zhao,,* Xudong Wang*  Maintenance and modulation of stem cells stemness based on biomaterial designing via chemical and physical signals  Applied Materials Today  2020  2020;19:100614 
    Yitong Wang#, Ting Ying#, Jinxiu Li#, Yafeng Xu, Qinfei Ke, Steve G.F. Shen,* He Xu,,*   Hierarchical micro/nanofibrous scaffolds incorporated with curcumin and zinc ion eutectic metal organic frameworks for enhanced diabetic wound healing via anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities  Chemical Engineering Journal  2020  2020;402:126273 
    Jinkai Zhang#, Jiaqiang Liu#, Chengtao Wang, Fengshan Chen*, Xudong Wang*,,*  A comparative study of the osteogenic performance between the hierarchical micro/submicro-textured 3D-printed Ti6Al4V surface and the SLA surface  Bioactive Materials  2020  2020;5:9-16. 
    Jiajie Chen#, Yitong Wang#, Baoyuan Ma#, Lei Guan, Zhengfang Tian, Kaili Lin,  Biodegradable hollow mesoporous organosilica-based nanosystems with dual stimuli-responsive drug delivery for efficient tumor inhibition by synergistic chemo- and photothermal therapy  Applied Materials Today  2020  2020;19:100655 
    Shaojie Dong, Yu Chen,* Luodan Yu,,* and Xudong Wang*  Magnetic Hyperthermia–Synergistic H2O2 Self-Sufficient Catalytic Suppression of Osteosarcoma with Enhanced Bone-Regeneration by 3D-Printing Composite Scaffolds  Advanced Functional Materials  2020  2020;30:1907071 
    Junkai Zeng#, Yitong Wang#, Zhenyu Sun#, Haishang Chang, Mi Cao, Jie Zhao*, Kaili Lin*,  A novel biocompatible PDA/IR820/DAP coating for antibiotic/photodynamic/photothermal triple therapy to inhibit and eliminate Staphylococcus aureus biofilm  Chemical Engineering Journal  2020  2020;394:125017 
    Anting Jin#, Yitong Wang#,,* Lingyong Jiang*  Nanoparticles modified by polydopamine: working as “drug” carriers  Bioactive Materials  2020  2020;5:522-541. 
    Shaojie Dong,# Ya-nan Zhang,# Jianyu Wan, Rongrong Cui, Xingge Yu, Guohua Zhao,,*  A Novel Multifunctional Carbon Aerogel Coated Platform for Osteosarcoma Therapy and Enhanced Bone Regeneration  Journal of Materials Chemistry. B  2020  2020;8:368-379. 
    Ranjith Kumar Kankala, Hongbo Zhang, Chen-Guang Liu, Kiran Reddy Kanubaddi, Chia-Hung Lee, Shi-Bin Wang, Wenguo Cui,* Hélder A. Santos,,* and Ai-Zheng Chen*  Metal Species–Encapsulated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Current Advancements and Latest Breakthroughs  Advanced Functional Materials  2020  2019;29:1902652 
    张欣然,  自噬在骨稳态与骨质疏松症中的作用及机制研究进展  骨科  2019  10(2):162-166. 
    Hui Wang,# Chucheng Lin,# Xinran Zhang,, Xudong Wang*, Steve Guofang Shen*  Mussel inspired polydopamine coating: a general strategy to enhance osteogenic differentiation and osseointegration for diverse implants  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  2019  11(7):7615-7625. 
    , Dawei Zhang#, Maria Helena Macedo, Wenguo Cui*, Bruno Sarmento*, Guofang Shen*  Advanced collagen-based biomaterials for regenerative biomedicine  Advanced Functional Materials  2019  29:1804943. 
    Jinkai Zhang, Wenhui Zhou, Hui Wang,, Fengshan Chen*  3D-printed surface promoting osteogenic differentiation and angiogenetic factor expression of BMSCs on Ti6Al4V implants and early osseointegration in vivo  Journal of Materials Science & Technology  2019  35:336-343. 
    Panyu Zhou, Jianghong Wu, Yan Xia, Ye Yuan, Hongyue Zhang, Shuogui Xu,  Loading BMP-2 on nanostructured hydroxyapatite microspheres for rapid bone regeneration  International Journal of Nanomedicine  2018  2018;13:4083-4092. 
    Dawei Zhang, Xiaowei Wu, Jingdi Chen,  The development of collagen based composite scaffolds for bone regeneration  Bioactive Materials  2018  2018;3:129-138. 
    Hui Wang, Xinran Zhang, Haicheng Wang, Jinkai Zhang, Changshun Ruan, Rui Zhu,  Enhancing the Osteogenic Differentiation and Rapid Osseointegration of 3D Printed Ti6Al4V Implants via Nano-topographic Modification  Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology  2018  2018;14:707-715. 
    Xinran Zhang, Haotian Li, Chucheng Lin, Congqin Ning,  The synergistic effects of micro-pattern and strontium ion doping on the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells through the ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK signaling pathway  Biomaterials Science  2018  2018;6:418-430. 
    Xiaojing Guo, Silong Wei, Mengmeng Lu, Zhengwei Shao, Jiayu Lu, Lunguo Xia,, Derong Zou   RNA-Seq investigation and in vivo study of the effect of strontium ranelate on ovariectomized rat via the involvement of ROCK1  Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology  2018  https://doi.org/10.1080/21691401.2018.1433188. 
    Wenjun Sun, Yuning Zhou, Xinran Zhang, Wei Xia, Yuanjin Xu,  Fabricating of injectable nano-structured silicon containing hydroxyapatite microspheres with enhanced osteogenic differentiation and angiogenic factor expression for carriers  Ceramics International  2018  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.08.040 
    Lunguo Xia, Youtao Xie, Bing Fang, Xiuhui Wang,  In situ Modulation of Crystallinity and Nano-structures to Enhance the Stability and Osseointegration of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti-6Al-4V Implants  Chemical Engineering Journal  2018  2018;347: 711-720. 
    Xiaowei Wu, Shang Zheng, Yuanzhou Ye, Yuchen Wu,, Jiansheng Su  Enhanced osteogenic di?erentiation and bone regeneration of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) by graphene via activation of PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β-catenin signal circuit  Biomaterials Science  2018  2018;6:1147-1158. 
    Wenhui Zhou, Jinkai Zhang,, Fengshan Chen  Comparison between mandibular and femur derived bone marrow stromal cells: osteogenic and angiogenic potentials in vitro and bone repairing ability in vivo  RSC Advances  2017  2017;7:56220-56228. 
      改善磷酸钙陶瓷生物活性的途径  口腔材料器械杂志  2017  2017;26(2):57-61.  
    Xiaowei Wu, Shinn-Jyh Ding,, Jiansheng Su  A Review on the biocompatibility and potential applications of graphene in inducing cell differentiation and tissue regeneration  Journal of Materials Chemistry B  2017  2017;5:3084-3102. 
    Ling-Yan Meng, Bin Wang, Ming-Guo Ma,  The progress of microwave-assisted hydrothermal method in the synthesis of functional nanomaterials  Materials Today Chemistry  2016  2016;1-2:63-83.  
    Cancan Zhao, Lunguo Xia, Dong Zhai, Bing Fang, Jiang Chang,  Designing the ordered micropatterned hydroxyapatite bioceramics to promote the growth and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells  Journal of Materials Chemistry. B  2015  2015;3:968-976. 
    Xiaohong Wang, Yao Sun,  Facile Synthesis of Dental Enamel-like Hydroxyapatite Nanorod Arrays via Hydrothermal Transformation of Hillebrandite Nanobelts  Journal of Materials Chemistry B  2015  2015;3:7334-7339. 
    Zhilan Yin, Xiaoya Wang, Xiuhui Wang, Na Zhang, Lei Chen, Haiyun Qu, Jiang Chang, Zhongming Ren,  Facile Synthesis of Element-substituted Hydroxyapatite Whiskers using α-tricalcium Phosphate as Precursors  International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology  2015  2015;12(5):1000-1007. 
    , Chengtie Wu, Jiang Chang   Advances in synthesis of calcium phosphate crystals with controlled size and shape  Acta Biomaterialia  2014  2014;10:4071-4102. 
    Lunguo Xia,, Zhiyuan Zhang, Xinquan Jiang, Jiang Chang  Enhanced osteogenesis through nano-structured surface design of macroporous hydroxyapatite bioceramic scaffolds via activation of ERK and p38 MAPK signaling pathways  Journal of Materials Chemistry. B  2013  2013;1(40):5403-5416.  
    , Peiyi Liu, Weibin Zhang, Li Wei, Zhaoyong Zou, Ying Qian, Yuhui Shen, Jiang Chang  Mesoporous strontium substituted hydroxyapatite microspheres: surfactant-free hydrothermal synthesis, enhanced biological response and sustained drug releas  Chemical Engineering Journal  2013  2013;222:49-59. 
    , Wei Yuan, Lu Wang, Lei Chen, Jianxi Lu, Zhen Wang, Jiang Chang  Evaluation of host inflammatory responses of β-tricalcium phosphate bioceramics caused by calcium pyrophosphate impurity using a subcutaneous mode  Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B-Applied Biomaterials  2011  2011;99B(2):350-358.  
    , Jiang Chang, Xiaoguo Liu, Lei Chen, Yanling Zhou  Synthesis of the element-substituted hydroxyapatite with controllable morphologies and chemical compositions using calcium silicate as precursor  CrystEngComm  2011  2011;13(15):4850-4855.  
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