• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 沈键锋 学科代码: 100212
    性别: 学科名称: 眼科学
    培养单位: 附属第九人民医院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 上海市眼眶病眼肿瘤重点实验室, 黄浦区制造局路833弄12号楼3楼309室, 电子邮件: jfshen@shsmu.edu.cn 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200011 邮箱地址: darkingfeng@hotmail.com
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
    Journal of Molecular Cell Biology青年编委
  • 科研项目
    GKZK6260002/001/009可变剪切调控肿瘤免疫的机制与转化研究转化医学国家重大科技基础设施(上海)开放课题项目 2021-01~2022-12 50万元  课题负责人
    001DNA损伤修复与肿瘤免疫调控国家高层次人才计划 2020-01~2022-12 300万元  课题负责人
    81972667聚ADP核糖聚合酶1调控STING信号通路影响肿瘤免疫的机理研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2020-01~2023-12 55万元  课题负责人
    20191817"双百人”-临床专职科研队伍上海交通大学医学院 2019-10~2022-09 100万元  课题负责人
    002上海交通大学医学院基金引进人才启动经费 2019-04~2024-03 300万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Zhe Zhang, Chen Li, Qian Li, Xiaoming Su, Jiayi Li, Lili Zhu, Xinhua James Lin,  Structure prediction of novel isoforms from uveal melanoma by AlphaFold  Sci Data .   2023  Aug 4;10(1):513 
    Tengteng Yao, Chingchoon Foo, Guopei Zheng, Rui Huang, Qian Li,, Zhaoyang Wang   Insight into the mechanisms of coronaviruses evading host innate immunity  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis .   2023  Jun;1869(5):166671 
    Feiyang Shen, Yan Fang, Yijia Wu, Min Zhou,, Xianqun Fan  Metal ions and nanometallic materials in antitumor immunity: Function, application, and perspective  J Nanobiotechnology  2023  Jan 19;21(1):20 
    Chunyan Zong, Zhe Zhang, Li Gao, Jie He, Yiran Wang, Qian Li, Xiaoting Liu, Jie Yang, Di Chen, Rui Huang, Guopei Zheng, Xiaoliang Jin, Wu Wei, Renbing Jia,  APOBEC3B coordinates R-loop to promote replication stress and sensitize cancer cells to ATR/Chk1 inhibitors  Cell Death Dis .   2023  Jun 3;14(6):348 
    Jie He, Jili Chen,  Selamectin increases cisplatin sensitivity by inhibiting cisplatin-resistant genes expression and autophagy in uveal melanoma  Biochem Biophys Res Commun .   2023  Jun 18;661:75-81 
    Zong C, Zhu T, He J, Huang R, Jia R,  PARP mediated DNA damage response, genomic stability and immune responses  Int J Cancer.   2022  Epub 
    Jiahao Shi, Xiaoliang Jin, Yihao Wang, Tianyu Zhu, Dongmei Zhang, Qian Li, Xiaomin Zhong, Yaqi Deng,, Xianqun Fan   LIN28B inhibition sensitizes cells to p53-restoring PPI therapy through unleashed translational suppression  Oncogenesis  2022  Jul 2;11(1):37 
    Yihao Wang,Rui Huang,Guopei Zheng,  Small ring has?big potential: insights into?extrachromosomal DNA in?cancer  Cancer Cell International  2021  (2021) 21:236  
    Min Zhou,Jianlong Yuan,Yaqi Deng,Xianqun Fan,  Emerging role of SWI/SNF complex de?ciency as a target of immune checkpoint blockade in human cancers  Oncogenesis  2021  (2021) 10:3 
    , Wei Zhao, Zhenlin Ju, Lulu Wang, Yang Peng, Marilyne Labrie, Timothy A. Yap, Gordon B. Mills,Guang Peng  PARPi Triggers the STING-Dependent Immune Response and Enhances the Therapeutic Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Blockade Independent of BRCAness  Cancer Research  2019  79(2) January 15 
    , Zhenlin Ju, Wei Zhao, Lulu Wang, Yang Peng, Zhongqi Ge, Zachary D. Nagel, Jun Zou, Chen Wang, Prabodh Kapoor, Xiangyi Ma, Ding Ma, Jiyong Liang, Jingsong Liu, Leona D. Samson, Guo-Min Li, Han Liang, Xuetong Shen, Gordon B. Mills, Guang Peng  ARID1A deficiency promotes mutability and potentiates anti-tumor immunity unleashed by immune checkpoint blockade  Nature Medicine  2018  Vol 24, 556-562 
    Xiaojuan Lin,, Dan Peng, Janos L Tanyi, Kathleen Montone, Qihong Huang, Yi Fan, Lin Zhang, Xiaomin Zhong  RNA-binding protein LIN28B inhibits apoptosis through regulating the AKT2/FOXO3A/Bim axis in ovarian cancer cells  Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy  2018  3:23 
    Hui-Ju Hsieh, Wei Zhang, Shu-Hong Lin, Wen-Hao Yang, Jun-Zhong Wang,, Yiran Zhang, Yiling Lu, Hua Wang, Jane Yu, Gordon B. Mills,Guang Peng  Systems biology approach reveals that mTORC1 regulates G2/M DNA damage checkpoint recovery, creating a therapeutic vulnerability in mTOR-hyperactivated tumors  Nature Communications  2018  9:3982 
    Kumar S, Peng X, Daley J, Yang L,, Nguyen N, Bae G, Niu H, Peng Y, Hsieh HJ, Wang L, Rao C, Stephan CC, Sung P, Ira G, Peng G  Inhibition of DNA2 nuclease as a therapeutic strategy targeting replication stress in cancer cells  Oncogenesis  2017  6(4):e319 
    Lihong Zhang, Yang Peng, Ivan P.Uray,, Lulu Wang, Xiangdong Peng, Powel H.Brown, Wei Tu, Guang Peng  Natural product beta-thujaplicin inhibits homologous recombination repair and sensitizes cancer cells to radiation therapy  DNA Repair   2017  60:89-101 
    Zhang L,, Yin Y, Peng Y, Wang L, Hsieh HJ, Shen Q, Brown PH, Tao K, Uray IP, Peng G  Identifying Cell Cycle Modulators That Selectively Target ARID1A Deficiency Using High-Throughput Image-Based Screening  SLAS Discov  2017  22(7):813-826 
    Zhong X, Zheng L,, Zhang D, Xiong M, Zhang Y, He X, Tanyi JL, Yang F, Montone KT, Chen X, Xu C, Xiang AP, Huang Q, Xu X, Zhang L  Suppression of MicroRNA 200 Family Expression by Oncogenic KRAS Activation Promotes Cell Survival and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in KRAS-Driven Cancer  Mol Cell Biol  2016  36(21):2742-2754 
    Kapoor P, Bao Y, Xiao J, Luo J,, Persinger J, Peng G, Ranish J, Bartholomew B, Shen X  Regulation of Mec1 kinase activity by the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex  Genes Dev  2015  29(6):591-602 
    , Peng Y, Wei L, Zhang W, Yang L, Lan L, Kapoor P, Ju Z, Mo Q, Shih IeM, Uray IP, Wu X, Brown PH, Shen X, Mills GB, Peng G  ARID1A Deficiency Impairs the DNA Damage Checkpoint and Sensitizes Cells to PARP Inhibitors  Cancer Discovery  2015  5(7):752-67 
    Jiang Y, Qian X,, Wang Y, Li X, Liu R, Xia Y, Chen Q, Peng G, Lin SY, Lu Z  Local generation of fumarate promotes DNA repair through inhibition of histone H3 demethylation  Nat Cell Biol  2015  17(9):1158-68 
    Zhang B, Wang E, Dai H,, Hsieh HJ, Lu X, Peng G  Phosphorylation of the BRCA1 C terminus (BRCT) repeat inhibitor of hTERT (BRIT1) protein coordinates TopBP1 protein recruitment and amplifies ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) Signaling  J Biol Chem  2014  289(49):34284-95