• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 黄传新 学科代码: 100100
    性别: 学科名称: 基础医学
    培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 上海市黄浦区重庆南路280号5号楼1003室 电话:86-21-54610161(直线),分机:776724 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200025 邮箱地址: huangcx@shsmu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    31870872Bcl6通过抑制PD-L1/2调控生发中心反应和分子机制国家自然科学基金面上项目 2019-01~2022-12 60万元  课题负责人
    2018YFC0115904超声空化诱导的局部组织的免疫学效应和细胞分子机制科技部重点研发 2018-08~2021-06 80万元  课题负责人
    0000B细胞发育和恶变的转录机制国家高层次人才计划 2016-01~2018-12 300万元  课题负责人
    15PJ1407400RD2结构域在生发中心和B细胞发育中的功能与作用机制上海市科委 2015-09~2017-09 20万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Deng S,, Hu Q, Zhang H, Yang F, Peng C,  HDAC3 Inhibition Upregulates PD-L1 Expression in B-Cell Lymphomas and Augments the Efficacy of Anti-PD-L1 Therapy  Molecular Cancer Therapeutic   2019  18(5):900-908 
    Peng C, Hu Q, Yang F, Zhang H, Li F,  BCL6-Mediated Silencing of PD-1 Ligands in Germinal Center B Cells Maintains Follicular T Cell Population.  Journal of Immunology  2019  202(3):704-713 
    Zhang H, Hu Q, Zhang M, Yang F, Peng C, Zhang Z,  Bach2 Deficiency Leads to Spontaneous Expansion of IL-4-Producing T Follicular Helper Cells and Autoimmunity  Front Immunol  2019  Sep 4;10:2050 
    Peng H, Yang F, Hu Q, Sun J, Peng C, Zhao Y,  The ubiquitin-specific protease USP8 directly deubiquitinates SQSTM1/p62 to suppress its autophagic activity  Autophagy  2019  Jul 1:1-11 
    Sun J, Hu Q, Peng H, Peng C, Zhou L, Lu J,  The ubiquitin-specific protease USP8 deubiquitinates and stabilizes Cx43  Journal of Biology Chemistry   2018  25;293(21):8275-8284  
    Yu X, Lao Y, Teng XL, Li S, Zhou Y, Wang F, Guo X, Deng S, Chang Y, Wu X, Liu Z, Chen L, Lu LM, Cheng J, Li B, Su B, Jiang J, Li HB,, Yi J, Zou Q  SENP3 maintains the stability and function of regulatory T cells via BACH2 deSUMOylation  Nature Communication  2018  9(1):3157 
    Chen J, Jian X, Deng S, Ma Z, Shou X, Shen Y, Zhang Q, Song Z, Li Z, Peng H, Peng C, Chen M, Luo C, Zhao D, Ye Z, Shen M, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Fahira A, Wang Y, Li S, Zhang Z, Ye H, Li Y, Shen J, Chen H, Tang F, Yao Z, Shi Z, Chen C, Xie L, Wang Y, Fu C, Mao Y, Zhou L, Gao D, Yan H, Zhao Y,, Shi Y  Identification of recurrent USP48 and BRAF mutations in Cushing's disease  Nature Communication  2018  9;9(1):3171 
    Zhang Q, Peng C, Song J, Chen J, Song Z, Shou X, Shi Y,, Zhao Y.  Germline Mutations in CDH23, Encoding Cadherin-Related 23, Are Associated with Both Familial and Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas.  Am J Human Genet  2017  100(5): 817-823 
    Ma ZY, Song ZJ, Chen JH, Wang YF, Li SQ, Zhou LF, Mao Y, Li YM, Hu RG, Zhang ZY, Ye HY, Shen M, Shou XF, Li ZQ, Peng H, Wang QZ, Zhou DZ, Qin XL, Ji J, Zheng J, Chen H, Wang Y, Geng DY, Tang WJ, Fu CW, Shi ZF, Zhang YC, Ye Z, He WQ, Zhang QL, Tang QS, Xie R, Shen JW, Wen ZJ, Zhou J, Wang T, Huang S, Qiu HJ, Qiao ND, Zhang Y, Pan L, Bao WM, Liu YC,, Shi YY, Zhao Y  Recurrent gain-of-function USP8 mutations in Cushing’disease  Cell Res  2015  25(3):306-17 
    , Shi YY and Zhao Y  USP8 mutations in Cushing’s disease  Oncotarget  2015  6(21):18240-18241 
    , Geng H, Boss I, Wang L, Melnick AM  Cooperative transcriptional repression by BCL6 and BACH2 in germinal centre B-cell differentiation  Blood  2014  123(7):1012-20  
    Sun Z,, He J, Lamb, Kristy L Kang X Shen WH Yin, Y  PTEN C-terminal deletion causes genomic instability and tumor development  Cell Reports  2014  6(5):844-54 
    , Gonzalez DG, Cote CM, Jiang Y, Hatzi K, Teater M, Dai K, Hla T, Haberman AM, Melnick A  The BCL6 RD2 Domain Governs Commitment of Activated B Cells to Form Germinal Centers  Cell Reports  2014  8(5):1497-508 
    Swaminathan S,, Geng H, Chen Z, Harvey R, Kang H, Carina Ng, Titz B, Hurtz C, Sadiyah F, Melnick AM, Müschen M  BACH2 mediates negative selection and p53-dependent tumor suppression at the pre-B cell receptor checkpoint  Nature Medicine  2013  19(8):1014-22 
    , Hatzi K, Melnick AM  Lineage-specific functions of Bcl6 in immunity and inflammation are mediated through distinct biochemical mechanisms  Nature Immunology   2013  14(4): 380-8