• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 童小萍 学科代码: 100100
    性别: 学科名称: 基础医学
    培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称:
    联系方式: 上海市重庆南路280号 专业领域代码:
    邮编: 200025 邮箱地址: xtong@shsmu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    31970904脑血管周细胞表达钾离子通道Kir4.1在维持血流调控及脑缺血疾病的机制研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2020-01~2023-12 58万元  课题负责人
    91632104NG2胶质细胞参与海马区学习、记忆功能调控的神经环路基础国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划培育项目 2017-01~2019-12 60万元  课题负责人
    31571063NG2胶质细胞对海马区神经环路调控的机制研究国家自然科学基金面上项目 2016-01~2019-12 75.82万元  课题负责人
    15PJ1404600NG2胶质细胞对海马区神经网络调控的机制研究上海市科学技术委员会“上海浦江人才计划” 2015-07~2017-06 20万元  课题负责人
    1510000084上海市高校特聘教授“东方学者”上海市教委 2015-06~2018-06 100万元  课题负责人
  • 学术论文
    Song F, Hong X, Cao J, Ma G, Han Y, Cepeda C, Kang Z, Xu T, Duan S, Wan J,  Kir4.1 channels in NG2-glia play a role in development, potassium signaling, and ischemia-related myelin loss.  Cummunications Biology  2018  DOI:10.1038/s42003-018-0083-x 
    Cao JY, Lin Y,Han YF, Ding SH, Fan YL, Pan YH, Zhao B, Guo QH, Sun WH, Wan JQ,  Expression of nerve growth factor carried by pseudotyped lentivirus improves neuron survival and cognitive functional recovery of post-ischemia in rats.  CNS Neuroscice & Therapeutics  2018  24(6):508-518 
    Zhang X, Wan JQ,  Potassium channel dysfunction in neurons and astrocytes in Huntington's disease.  CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics  2018  24(4):311-318 
    Song FE,Huang JL,Lin SH,Wang S,Ma GF,  Roles of NG2-glia in ischemic stroke.  CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics  2017  23(7):547-553 
    ,Peng Z,Zhang N,Cetina Y,Huang CS,Wallner M,Otis TS, Houser CR  Ectopic Expression of α6 and δ GABAA Receptor Subunits in Hilar Somatostatin Neurons Increases Tonic Inhibition and Alters Network Activity in the Dentate Gyrus.  Journal of Neuroscience  2015  35(49):16142-16158 
    Haustein MD, Sebastian Kracun S, Lu X, Shih T, Jackson-Weaver O,, Xu J, William Y, O’Dell TJ, Marvin JS, Ellisman MH, Bushong EA, Looger LL & Khakh BS  Conditions and constraints for astrocyte calcium signaling in the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway.  Neuron  2014  82(2):413-429 
    , Ao Y, Faas GC, Nwaobi SE, Xu J, Haustein MD, Anderson MA, Mody I, Olsen ML, Sofroniew MV & Khakh BS  Astrocyte Kir4.1 ion channel deficits contribute to neuronal dysfunction in Huntington's disease model mice.  Nature Neuroscience  2014  17(5):794-703 
    , Shigetomi E, Looger LL & Khakh BS  Genetically encoded calcium indicators and astrocyte calcium microdomains  The Neuroscientist  2013  19(3):274-291 
    Shigetomi E, Bushong EA, Haustein MD,, Jackson-Weaver O, Kracun S, Xu J, Sofroniew MV, Ellisman MH, Khakh BS  Imaging calcium microdomains within entire astrocyte territories and endfeet with GCaMPs expressed using adeno-associated viruses.  J Gen Physiol.  2013  141(5):633-647 
    Shigetomi E,, Kwan KY, Corey DP & Khakh BS  TRPA1 mediated microdomains regulate astrocyte resting calcium levels and inhibitory synapse efficacy via GAT-3.  Nature Neuroscience  2012  15(1):70-80 
    , Li X, Zhou B, Shen W, Zhang Z, Xu T, Duan S  Ca2+ signaling evoked by activation of Na+ channels and Na+ /Ca2+ exchangers is required for GABA-induced migration of NG2 glial cells.  Journal of Cell Biology  2009  186(1):113-128 
    , Duan S  Mechanisms underlying the migration of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells.   生理科学进展  2009  41(5):23-26