• 基本信息
    导师姓名: 孙锟 学科代码: 100202
    性别: 学科名称: 儿科学
    培养单位: 附属新华医院 三级学科
    导师类型: 博士生导师 专业领域名称: 儿科学 专业学位
    联系方式: 上海市杨浦区控江路1665号新华医院 专业领域代码: 105102
    邮编: 200092 邮箱地址: sunkun@xinhuamed.com.cn
  • 研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
  • 社会任职
  • 科研项目
    2018YFC1002400 基于立体化网络建设出生缺陷综合防控示范应用体系国家科技部重点专项 2018-07~2020-12 3140万元  课题负责人
    18441902600可显影可吸收室间隔缺损封堵器的研究与开发上海市科委 2018-04~2021-06 35万元  课题负责人
    81720108003转录因子GATA5和KLF13在心脏主动脉瓣膜发育中的交互作用及其分子机制研究重点国际(地区)合作研究项目 2018-01~2022-12 232万元  课题负责人
    先天性主动脉瓣膜病遗传与环境发病机制的研究上海市教委重点项目 2017-06~2022-06 300万元  课题负责人
    81670285MESP2在心脏发育及先天性心脏病发生中作用机制的研究国家自然基金委,面上项目 2017-01~2020-12 57万元  课题负责人
    SHDC12015102基于胎儿心脏四维超声技术(STIC)的多中心先心病产前筛查及围产期一体化干预模式推广申康市级医院新兴前沿技术联合攻关项目 2016-01~2018-12 150万元  课题负责人
    ZHYY-ZXYJHZX-1-04中西医结合治疗川崎病急性期炎症损伤及冠状动脉损伤的临床研究上海市综合医院中西医结合专项重点项目 2015-12~2017-11 50万元  课题负责人
    建立先天性心脏病产前诊治中心上海市公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划(2015年-2017年) 2015-01~2017-12 320.3万元  课题负责人
    YG2013ZD02多模态四维影像技术结合Van Praagh顺序分段诊断方法的小儿心脏虚拟内窥镜系统关键技术研究上海交通大学 2014-01~2016-12 50万元  主要责任人
    2013ZYJB0016复杂先天性心脏病产前筛查、诊断及治疗的规范化方案和流程研究上海市卫生局 2014-01~2016-12 50万元  主要责任人
    13DZ1942705生物可降解食管支架的研究上海市科委 2013-09~2016-09 20万元  主要责任人
    2013XH007基于模糊特征的病灶识别与其模态映射横向 2013-02~2013-10 3万元  主要责任人
    12JC1406600多模态四维影像技术结合Van Praagh顺序分段诊断方法的小儿心脏虚拟内窥镜系统关键技术研究上海市科委基础重点项目 2013-01~2015-12 40万元  主要责任人
    81070134成长性狭窄血管在新型生物可吸收支架植入后血管重塑及其机制研究国家自然基金 2011-01~2013-12 33万元  主要责任人
    2010CB529500心脏间隔缺损形成中环境和遗传因素的交互作用研究科技部973项目 2010-01~2015-08 175万元  子课题负责人
    09JC1410500基于双源CT的二尖瓣三维运动特征分析及其用于手术设计的可行性研究上海市科委"创新行动计划"基础研究重点项目 2009-09~2011-08 35万元  课题负责人
     先天性心脏病发病机制、预警与早期干预研究973项目子项目 2009-01~2012-12 170万元  子课题负责人
     儿科学创新团队——小儿先天性心脏病病因学及早期筛查研究上海市教委 2009-01~2011-12 150万元  课题负责人
    2006BAI05A04严重胎儿结构异常影像学筛查和诊断新技术的研究国家十一五科技支撑项目 2008-01~2011-12 15万元  子课题负责人
    08DZ2293105上海临床研究样本中心建设 子课题名称:先天性心脏病医学信息公共服务平台建设上海市科委 2008-01~2011-12 50万元  子课题负责人
    30772349婴幼儿先天性心脏病生物可吸收型血管支架的实验研究国家自然基金委,面上项目 2008-01~2010-12 32万元  课题负责人
    07XD14015婴幼儿先天性心脏病生物可吸收型血管支架的实验研究上海市科委,学科带头人 2007-11~2009-11 35万元   
  • 学术论文
    Mei Yang, Qishan Chen, Li Mei, Guanmei Wen,, Xinmiao Zhou, Kaiyuan Niu, Chenxin Liu, Meixia Ren, Kun Sun, Qingzhong Xiao, Li Zhang  Neutrophil elastase promotes neointimal hyperplasia by targeting toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-NF-κB signalling  Br J Pharmacol .  2021  doi: 10.1111/bph.15583 
    Shuang Zhou, Qingjie Wang, Zhuo Meng, Jiayu Peng, Yue Zhou, Wenting Song, Jian Wang, Sun Chen,  Mutations in fibroblast growth factor (FGF8) and FGF10 identified in patients with conotruncal defects  J Transl Med  2020  18(1):283 
    Wenjuan Li, Baolei Li, Tingting Li, Ergeng Zhang, Qingjie Wang, Sun Chen,  Identification and analysis of KLF13 variants in patients with congenital heart disease  BMC Med Genet  2020  21(1):78 
    Xin Shi, Li Zhang, Kai Bai, Huilin Xie, Tieliu Shi, Ruilin Zhang, Qihua Fu, Sun Chen, Yanan Lu, Yu Yu,  Identification of rare variants in novel candidate genes in pulmonary atresia patients by next generation sequencing  Comput Struct Biotechnol J  2020  12(18):381-392 
    Erge Zhang, Jianping Yang, Yang Liu, Nanchao Hong, Huilin Xie, Qihua Fu, Fen Li, Sun Chen, Yu Yu,  MESP2 variants contribute to conotruncal heart defects by inhibiting cardiac neural crest cell proliferation  J Mol Med (Berl)  2020  98(7):1035-1048 
    Li Zhang, Xin Shi, Chang Gu, Bo Chen, Ming Wang, Yu Yu,, Riquan Zhang  Identification of cell-to-cell interactions by ligand-receptor pairs in human fetal heart  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis .  2020  1866(12):165-917 
    Sun J,, Bai K, Chen S, Wang F, Zhao F, Hong N, Hu H.  A novel braided biodegradable stent for use in congenital heart disease: Short-term results in porcine iliac artery.  J Biomed Mater Res A.  2019  107(8):1667-1677 
    Peng J, Meng Z, Zhou S, Zhou Y, Wu Y, Wang Q, Wang J,  The non-genetic paternal factors for congenital heart defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  Clin Cardiol.  2019  42(7):684-691. 
    Zhang Y, Huang L, Zhou X, Zhang X, Ke Z, Wang Z, Chen Q, Dong X, Du L, Fang J, Feng X, Fu J, He Z, Huang G, Huang S, Ju X, Gao L, Li L, Li T, Li Y, Liu G, Liu W, Luo X, Nong G, Pan J, Shen K, Song H, Sun J, Mu D, Wang T, Wang B, Xiang W, Yang C, Yang S, Zhao Z, Zhu H, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Little J, Hesketh T,  Characteristics and Workload of Pediatricians in China.  Pediatrics  2019  144(1). pii: e20183532. 
    Wang J, Ye Y, Xin T, Zhang X, Chen S, Wu Y,  Is echocardiography necessary for all single umbilical artery fetuses? A retrospective study in a selected Chinese population.  J Obstet Gynaecol Res  2019  doi: 10.1111/jog.13912. 
    Zhou Y, Wang J, Meng Z, Zhou S, Peng J, Chen S, Wang Q,  Pharmacology of ivabradine and the effect on chronic heart failure.  Curr Top Med Chem.  2019  doi: 10.2174/1568026619666190809093144 
    Xie H, Hong N, Zhang E, Li F,, Yu Y*.  Identification of Rare Copy Number Variants Associated With Pulmonary Atresia With Ventricular Septal Defect.  Front Genet.   2019  10:15.  
    Liu C, Cao R, Xu Y, Li T, Li F, Chen S, Xu R,  Rare copy number variants analysis identifies novel candidate genes in heterotaxy syndrome patients with congenital heart defects.  Genome Med  2018  10(1):40 
    Hong N, Zhang E, Wang Q, Zhang X, Li F, Fu Q, Xu R, Yu Y, Chen S, Xu Y,  A loss-of-function mutation p.T52S in RIPPLY3 is a potential predisposing genetic risk factor for Chinese Han conotruncal heart defect patients without the 22q11.2 deletion/duplication.  J Transl Med  2018  16(1):260 
    Xie H, Zhang E, Hong N, Fu Q, Li F, Chen S, Yu Y,  Identification of TBX2 and TBX3 variants in patients with conotruncal heart defects by target sequencing.  Hum Genomics  2018  12(1):44 
    Shi X, Huang T, Wang J, Liang Y, Gu C, Xu Y, Sun J, Lu Y,, Chen S, Yu Y.  Next-generation sequencing identifies novel genes with rare variants in total anomalous pulmonary venous connection.  EBioMedicine  2018  38:217-227 
    Pu T, Liu Y, Xu R, Li F, Chen S,  Identification of ZFPM2 mutations in sporadic conotruncal heart defect patients.  Mol Genet Genomics  2017  doi: 10.1007/s00438-017-1373-6. 
    Du Q, Salem Y, Liu HH, Zhou X, Chen S, Chen N, Yang X, Liang J,  A home-based exercise program for children with congenital heart disease following interventional cardiac catheterization: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial  Trials  2017  18(1):36 
    郁怡,  基质金属蛋白酶9与2型糖尿病并发冠状动脉粥样硬化关系的研究进展   中国心血管杂志  2017  22(2):147-149 
    Zhang E, Hong N, Chen S, Fu Q, Li F, Yu Y,  Targeted sequencing identifies novel GATA6 variants in a large cohort of patients with conotruncal heart defects.  Gene  2017  30;641:341-348 
    洪楠超,  胎儿肺动脉闭锁的介入治疗  中华儿科杂志  2017  55(4):311-314 
    Yao LP, Zhang L, Li HM, Ding M, Yu LW, Yang X, Li XM,  Assessment of coronary artery by prospective ECG-triggered 256 multi-slice CT on children with congenital heart disease  Int J Cardiovasc Imaging  2017  doi: 10.1007/s10554-017-1150-y. 
    Liu Y, Li B, Xu Y,  Mutation Screening of Gata4 Gene in CTD Patients Within Chinese Han Population  Pediatr Cardiol  2017  38(3):506-512 
    张尔格,徐月娟,陈笋,徐让,  1例Alagille综合征患儿JAG1基因筛查及突变功能分析   上海交通大学学报(医学版)  2016  36(11) 
    Li WJ, Guo QQ, Gharibeh L, Xu R, Chen S,  Inhibition of Cardiomyogenesis in Embryocarcinoma Cells induced by longterm High level of Glucose.  Cell Physiol Biochem  2016  38﴾5﴿:2041‐2052 
    Zhao L, Wu Y, Chen S, Ren Y, Chen P, Niu J, Li C,  Screening using fourdismensional ultrasound with spatiotemporal image correlation: a multicenter study  PLoS One  2016  11﴾6﴿:e0157477 
    Zhang X, Wang J, Wang B, Chen S, Fu Q,  A novel missense mutation of GATA4 in a Chinese family with congenital heart disease  PLoS One  2016  11﴾7﴿:e0158904 
    Wang Q, Wu YR, Zhang LN, Zhang YJ, Xie LJ, Chen S,  Evaluating the risk factors of reintervention of neonates with PA/IVS and CPS/IVS after PBPV as initial intervention method  Journal of Cardiology  2016  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jjcc.2016.02.024 
    赵莉晴,  胎儿先天性心脏病产前超声检出率及影响因素  上海交通大学学报(医学版)  2016  06:930-933+948 
    汪晴,杨健萍,沈加,陈笋,武育蓉,  产前诊断对室间隔完整的肺动脉瓣闭锁和危重型肺动脉瓣狭窄新生儿治疗及预后影响  临床儿科杂志  2016  03:161-165 
    洪楠超,张尔格,徐月娟,徐让,陈笋,李奋,  TBX1启动子区核苷酸变异与心脏圆锥动脉干畸形相关性研究  临床儿科杂志  2016  07:489-493 
    王鉴,武育蓉,赵莉晴,汪晴,辛甜甜,陈笋,  孕中晚期胎儿超声心动图转诊因素分析  上海交通大学学报(医学版)  2016  03:375-379+389 
    Liu Y,Liu HD,Xu LJ,Chen S,  A reliable animal model to simulate benign esophageal strictures in children  Esophagus  2015  1-7  
    Zhang L,Qiu J,Yu L,Chen S,,Yao L  Quantitative Assessment of Mitral Apparatus Geometry Using Dual-Source Computed Tomography in Mitral Regurgitation  Int Heart J  2015  56(4):408-414 
    Zhang X,Xu Y,Liu D,Geng J,Chen S,Jiang Z,Fu Q,  A modified multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification method for the detection of 22q11.2 copy number variations in patients with congenital heart disease  BMC Genomics  2015  16:364 
    Du Q, Zhou X, Wang X, Chen S, Yang X, Chen N, Liang J, Deng W,  Passive movement and active exercise for evey young infants with congenital heart disease: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial  Trials  2015  16: 288 
      加强多学科写作 提高胎儿先天性心脏病的诊断及干预水平  中华儿科杂志  2015  53(10): 726-727 
    中华医学会儿科学分会心血管学组, 中国医师协会儿科医师分会先天性心脏病专家委员会, 《中华儿科杂志》编集委员会  胎儿先天性心脏病诊断及围产期管理专家共识(指南)  中华儿科杂志  2015  53(10): 728-733 
    中国医师协会儿科医师分会先天性心脏病专家委员会, 中华医学会儿科学分会心血管学组, 《中华儿科杂志》编集委员会  儿童常见先天性心脏病介入治疗专家共识(指南)  中华儿科杂志  2015  53(01): 17-24 
    钱娟, 李本尚, 殷敏智, 沈萍,  尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物及其抑制物表达在膜周型室间隔缺损自发闭合中的作用  中华儿科杂志  2015  53(6): 453-458 
    Zheng J, Li F, Liu J, Xu Z, Zhang H, Fu Q, Wang J,  Investigation of Somatic NKX2-5 mutations in Chinese Children with congenital heart disease  Int J Med Sci  2015  12(7): 538-543 
    Guo Q,Xu Y,Wang X,Guo Y,Xu R,,Chen S  Exome sequencing identifies a novel MYH7 p.G407C mutation responsible for familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  DNA Cell Biol.  2014  33(10):699-704 
    Sun J,, Chen S, Yao L, Zhang Y  A new scoring system for spontaneous closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects in children  PLoS One  2014  9(12): e113822 
    Xu YJ, Chen S, Zhang J, Fang SH, Guo QQ, Wang J, Fu QH, Li F, Xu R,  Novel TBX1 loss-of-function mutation causes isolated conotruncal heart defects in Chinese patients without 22q11.2 deletion  BMC Medical Genetics.  2014  15(1):78 
    Wang XK, Li PJ, Chen S, Xi LL, Guo Y, Guo AH,  Influence of genes and the environment in familial congenital heart defects.  MOL MED REP.  2014  9:695-700 
    Wang XK, Ji W, Wang J, Zhao PJ, Guo Y, Xu R, Chen S,  Identification of two novel GATA6 mutations in patients with nonsyndromic conotruncal heart defects.  MOL MED REP  2014  10(2):743-8 
    Long F, Wang XK, Fang SH, Xu YJ,, Chen S, Xu R.  A potential relationship among beta-defensins Haplotype, SOX7 duplication and Cardiac defects.  PLOS ONE.  2013  8(8):e72515. 
    Yan Y, Huang J, Ding F, Mei J, Zhu J, Liu H,  Aquaporin 1 plays an important role in myocardial edema caused by cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in goat  Int J Mol Med  2013  31(3): 637-43 
    Cao Q, Tao L, Liu M, Yin M,  The effect of vacuum freeze-drying and radiation on allogeneic aorta grafts.  Mol Med Report.  2013  7(1): 144-8 
    Qimao Feng, Deyuan Zhang, Chaohua Xin, Xiangdong Liu, Wenjiao Lin, Wanqian Zhang,Sun Chen,  Characterization and in vivo evaluation of a bio-corrodible nitrided iron stent  J Mater Sci Mater Med.  2013  24(3): 713-724 
    Yu Y,, Xue H, Chen S, Yang J  Usefullness of real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography to identify and quantify left ventricular dyssynchrony in patients with Kawasaki disease  J Ultrasound Med  2013  32(6):1013-21 
    Xue H, Qian J, Wang L, Yuan X, Chen Y, Wu W, Chen Y,  3C3R modified PBL pediatric teaching of Chinese medical students  Plos One  2013  8(5): e63412 
    Wang X, Wang J, Zhao P, Guo Y, Wu L, Sun J,  Familial congenital heart disease: data collection and preliminary analysis  Cardiol Young.  2013  23(3): 394-9 
    Juan Qian,,Ping Shen, Min-zhi Yin  Immunohistochemical detection of uPA, PAI-1 and a- SMA in the aneurysm in patients with perimembranous ventricular septal defect  J Heart Valv Dis  2012  21(3):377-83 
    Zhao W, Wang J, Shen J,, Chen Y, Ji W, Fu L, Wu Y, Li F.  A nonsense variation p.Arg325X in the vascular endothelial growth factor-A gene may be associated with congenital tricuspid aortic valve stenosis  Cardiol Young  2012  22(3):316-22 
    Chen GZ,  Multi-factorial analytical study on real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic cardiac image display quality  Int J Cardiovasc Imaging  2011  27(4):499-504 
    Qing Cao, Meng Yin, Yunfang Zhou, Jinfen Liu,, Biru Li  Effect of thymectomy on cellular immune function.   Frontiers in bioscience  2011  16(7):3036-3042 
    Xu YJ, Wang J, Xu R, Zhao PJ, Wang XK, Sun HJ, Bao LM, Shen J, Fu QH, Li F,  Detecting 22q11.2 deletion in Chinese children with conotruncal heart defects and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the haploid TBX1 locus  BMC Med Genet.  2011   
    Feng Q, Jiang W,, Sun K, Chen S, Zhao L, Dai K, Ma N  Mechanical properties and in vivo performance of a novel sliding-lockbioabsorbable poly-p-dioxanone stent  J Mater Sci Mater Med.  2011  22(10):2319-27 
    郁怡等  超声心动图和双源CT诊断川崎病冠状动脉瘤的初步对比研究  中国超声医学杂志  2010  26(1):80 
    Haihong Xue, Kun Sun,Jianguo Yu,Binjin Chen,Guozhen Chen ,,Liping Yao,,Lanping Wu  Three-dimensional echocardiographic virtual endoscopy for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease in children  Int J Cardiovasc Imaging  2010  26(8):851-859 
    郁怡等  心肌应变率成像技术对儿童川崎病心功能评估研究  中华医学超声杂志  2010  7(9):48 
    郁怡等  实时三维超声心动图评估儿童川崎病左室收缩不同步的应用价值  上海交通大学学报(医学版)  2010  30(10):1235 
    Wu Zhao, Jian Wang, Jie Shen,, Junxue Zhu, Tingting Yu, Wei Ji, Yiwei Chen, Qihua Fu, Fen Li  Mutations in VEGFA are associated with congenital left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.   Biochem Biophys Res Commun  2010  396(2):483-488 
    薛海虹等  心脏超声虚拟内窥镜图像预处理技术  上海交通大学学报  2010  44(8):1061-1067 
      胎儿超声心动图检查及其指征  中华超声医学杂志  2010  7(4)1-5 
    Wu Zhao, Fen Li, Ai-Qing Zhou, Wei Gao, Zhi-Qing Yu,, Mei-Rong Huang, Yun Li, Jian-Ping Yang  Cheatham-Platinum stent implantation for pulmonary artery stenosis in children and adolescents: immediate and midterm results.   World Journal of Pediatrics  2010   
    Ying Guo, Jie Shen, Lang Yuan, Fen Li, Jian Wang,  Novel CRELD1 gene mutation in patients with atrioventricular septal defect  World J Pediatr  2010  6(4):348-352 
    席丽丽等  小儿二尖瓣反流瓣环三维超声形态及运动分析  中华医学超声杂志(电子版)  2010  7(4):43 
    薛海虹等  先天性心脏病三维超声虚拟内窥镜可视化研究  中华影像学杂志  2010  19(8):645-648 
    YQ Zhang, Persistent truncus arteriosus with intact ventricular septum diagnosed by echocardiography  Chin Med J (Engl)  2009   
      我国小儿室间隔缺损介入治疗的现状和存在的问题  中华儿科杂志  2009   
    沈蕾, 徐月娟, 赵鹏军,  单纯性圆锥动脉干畸形患者染色体22q11.2微缺失的研究  中国当代儿科杂志  2009  11(1): 25-28 
    YQ Zhang, Echocardiographic assessment of conjoined twins with congenital heart disease in Shanghai  Echocardiography  2009   
    张玉奇, 叶宝英,, 陈笋, 张志芳, 沈蓉, 吴兰平, 高伟  计算机辅助彩色M型超声心动图无创估测肺血管阻力的研究  中华超声影像学杂志  2008  17(6): 465-468 
    YQ Zhang, Doppler myocardial performance index in assessment of ventricular function in children with single ventricles  World J Pediatr  2008   
    吴兰平,,张玉奇,姚莉萍,张志芳,陈笋,沈蓉  小儿先天性二尖瓣关闭不全的三维结构功能参数研究  中华儿科杂志  2007  45(6): 466-467 
    张玉奇,, 陈树宝, 张志芳, 高伟, 刘锦纷  经食管超声心动图在室间隔肌部缺损镶嵌治疗中的价值  中华超声影像学杂志  2007  16 (4): 290-293 
    ,薛海虹,王君,陈国珍,洪雯静,余建国,王威琪  三维超声仿真心腔内窥镜技术诊断房间隔缺损的实验研究  中华超声影像学杂志  2006  15(1):46-49 
    Chen GZ,, Huang GY.   In vitro validation of right ventricular volume and mass measurement by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography   Echocardiography  2006  23(5): 395-399. 
    , Xue HH, Yu JG, Wang J, Chen GZ, Hong WJ, Wang WQ  A Primary Exploration of Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Intra-Cardiac Virtual Reality Visualization of Atrial Septal Defect: In Vitro Validation (EI/ISTP).  Computers in Cardiology  2005  32: 145-146 
    , Li F, Zhou Y, Dubin AM, Rautaharju PM, Liebman J, Gregg RE, Helfenbein ED, Lindauer JM, Zhou SH.   Normal ECG Limits for Asian Infants and Children  Computers in Cardiology  2005  32: 455-458 
    , Yang X, Yao LP, Guo Q, Wu LP, Shang YF  Three-dimensional motion analysis of mitral valve leaflet in children with congenital heart disease and its clinical significance: A pilot study  Computers in Cardiology  2005  32(1): 783-784